My Tohoshinki/THSK/ Tong Vfang Xien Qi/TVXQ/ Dong Bang Shin Ki/DBSK/ Dong Bang Shin Gi/DBSG/ 동방신기...
This is where I keep all my fave band's stuff, or goodies as fellow Cassiopeians/ 仙后们 will call them...
Thursday, December 27, 2007
[News] About TVXQ and their military service
According to a lot of fan sites, Yunho from Tohoshinki has received a letter requesting him to render compulsory military service in Korea as most males ages 19-22 (of Korean nationality) will face in the country.
The 5-unit all-male group originated from Korea under SM Entertainment now has moved to Japan under the Rhythm Zone label (avex group) and has enjoyed a big fandom in East Asia, doing concerts in countries like Hong Kong, Malaysia, and Taiwan.
This wasn't the first time a Korean male celebrity was drafted into the military. The R&B group in Korea, G.O.D., had been drafted more than a year ago and has disbanded ever since. Shinhwa, another all-male group also from SM Entertainment had also been requested to serve but will enlist on 2008.
There have been reports that SM Entertainment will find a way to move the start of the service to 2 years from now as starting the service now might prove detrimental to the group. The group is set to have their first concert in Thailand on December 15th and Xiah Junsu, one of the members, is busy with the Anyband concert in Korea this November 27th. Anyband is the newest ad campaign by Anycall, a mobile service carrier in Korea famous for having famous music stars as endorsers for their mobile carrier service. Some of these stars include BoA, Jin Bora, Tablo of Epik High, etc.
It has been discussed that if ever one of the members of TVXQ will have to render military service, the group plans to sign-up together. Some fans have also said that "Hero" Jaejoong, another member of the group, might not be required to render service because of a rule exempts the 'only sons' of Korean families.
キット m(~_~)m
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
1. Yoochun is the lazy one in the group.
2. Junsu wakes everybody up in the morning with his video games.
3. Changmin is a crybaby.
4. Junsu is an uncle.
5. Yoochun is from the U.S. but was born in Korea.
6. Jaejoong is the "mom"; he cooks.
7. Yunho is the leader.
8. The house in "Ocean's 12" is the house in Miduyo.
9. Yoochun's family currently lives in Virginia.
10. Yoochun has had a lot of girlfriends.
11. They watch Korean dramas when they can/have time.
12. Junsu, Yunho, and Yoochun are all ambidextrous.
13. Jaejoong and Yoochun both dropped out of high school.
14. They both used to smoke.
15. Jaejoong wants to marry a fan- he believes that he`ll end up marrying a fan anyway.
16. Junsu wants a bright girl with a positive outlook of the world. Yoochun thinks it`s because Junsu is a negative person.
17. Yoochun doesn`t want to get married. (Junsu disagrees...he thinks that he MUST get married...)
18. Jaejoong wants 2 daughters and 1 son while Junsu wants 2 sons and 1 daughter. Yunho wants 5 sons and 20 daughters - Junsu says "Think of your wife!" and Jaejoong says "Are you trying to kill somebody?"
19. Yunho wants a girl who is assertive and has senses - someone who can guide him.
20. Changmin wants to marry someone who is girly and who will attach herself easily because he is shy and quiet.
21. Yunho`s message to his future son is "I love you".
22. Junsu thinks that dating and marriage are the same thing because he sees the girl he`s dating as his future wife. He has to like the girl that much (enough to see her as a hopefully Mrs. Kim Junsu) in order for him to date her - he doesn`t want to date just anyone. He`ll date her to a point where he wants to marry her. (Changmin agrees with him.)
23. Junsu likes to use his hand as a pillow.
24. Jaejoong made Changmin show off his body in their Hiyaya single.
25. Yunho sleeps diagonally on his bed.
26. Jaejoong was laughed at because of his puberty stage--his voice would crack and his friends would laugh at him each time he sang.
27. Yunho got rejected by a friend that he came to like. He asked her out and lit 100 candles. She told him she only wanted to be friends.
28. Junsu was suppose to debut earlier, but due to puberty...he lost his voice. He would always go and scream hoping his voice would come back.
29 Before debut, Max would make up excuses as to why he missed class. Each time it was always a relative's funeral and when he couldn't make that up he'd say something else. No one was curious because Max has a wide range of relatives.
30. Micky likes to sleep listening to music on his walkman. He tends to drop it, so at nighttime Junsu might get hit with a walkman or book or something. (That was when they had bunkbeds...)
1. Don't tell him to lose weight! He said that his Winnie the Pooh's tummy is fill with fan's love.
2. He is serious when working so Don't talk to him at that time!
3. When fans are pulling his hair and clothes he will smile to them but actually he doesn't like it!
4. Do not compete with or challenge him. He won't let himself lose to you!
5. Do not stand close to him when he is dancing. His powerful hand move may injure you!
6. He likes unique fan's letter. So decorated your letter with beautiful pattern!
7. When raining, he likes to write novel so he won't go out during raining!
8. He don't like to get too intimate (hugging and touching) with people he is not close to, so don't hug him.
9. He cares about his fans very much so he don't like fans to force themselves to get very near them 'cos it is dangerous. He likes fans to stand and watch them from a bit distance for their safety.
10. People said that he is a very polite and knowledgeable leader.
1. He likes to look at mirror so do not by any chance take away his mirror!
2. When he gets very excited he will start to speak in 'native' slang. (this one i'm not sure what it means)
3. He don't know how to use his eyes to 'electrocute' girls so don't ask him to do that.
4. He hate it when people say he is pretty, he want people to regards him as handsome/cool, not pretty as pretty is for girls.
5. he likes unique under garment. (that's why fans give him t- back!)
6. He looks very cool but actually deep down inside he is warm hearted so don't hurt his feeling!
7. Once during a Coca-cola drinking competition he fainted after drinking coca-cola so now he has a phobia against coca-cola!
8. He has to wear eye mask when sleeping.
9. He has a slim and fragile waist, so do not hug him cos it'll break!
10. He likes cooking very much so he likes fans to give him recipe book from various countries as a gift. But don't ask him to cook with you, he don't like to cook together with other ppl.
1. When he is surrounded by fans his face will become red!
2. He can't stand straight and likes to move when standing, so don't be surprise if he start dancing 'wave' suddenly. ( i also don't know what is 'wave')
3. He hates people to pull his hair.
4. He doesn’t like carbonated drinks and likes to drink ‘nutritious drink’.
5. He has sensitive skin so don’t give him make-up as present.
6. He will become very excited if people talk to him about soccer.
7. He drinks nutritious drinks to protect his voice.
8. He will get angry if people talk to him about adult film.( blue film)
9. Although he likes to work but their schedule is very busy so need to rest also.
10. When he is tired of working and you talk to him about soccer he will get very excited again.
1.He will cry every time he thinks of his family in US when he is alone.
2.Don’t let him feel alone and give him more love.
3.He is afraid of screaming voice and horror movie.
4.He likes girl who know how to dance.
5.He will get mad if people left him alone. Once, he is in hospital, Xiah didn’t visit him, he get mad at Xiah, so remember to visit him when he‘s in hospital.
6.He have sexy collar bones so he likes to wear v-neck clothes but don’t let him wear it during cold days.
7.He can eat many snacks but better let him eat rice more!
8.Micky’s and Yunho’s favourite drink is Tok-tok. (I have no idea what it is) they can drink 5 packets per day.
9.He have a killer smile, people that have weak heart could be killed by it.
1.He doesn’t like people to sit next to him when he is reading.
2.Because he likes to exercise very much, he is fast in jogging and you can’t catch him. If you jog with him you’ll get very tired.
3.Don’t let him drink milk. If he gets taller again then it’ll be very scary.
4.He has strong concentrations/ focuses, so don’t touch him when he is focusing on something, even if you disturb him he won’t have reaction.
5.He likes to eat very much so don’t disturb him while he’s eating.
6.He won’t let people know if he is sick so we need to pay more attention to him and look at his attitude and condition to check his health.
7.He doesn’t like fans to wait for him outside their hostel and don’t like fans to pull his hair and clothes. He’ll get mad if fans ignore this rule.
8.Average people eat 3 or 4 meals a day but he’ll eat whenever he saw foods in front of him so don’t put food around him.
9.He gets flu easily so bring medicine along with you when you meet him.
10. He has thick hair so don’t give him small comb for present.
キット m(~_~)m
[Iple] TVXQ Christmas Message
from IPLE...
This is TVXQ with their Merry Christmas
message for us! ^^
キット m(~_~)m
Monday, December 24, 2007
TVXQ member CY message
- Ya! Stop wondering around! (Yo~~ BeekiBeeki; JeongYoonHo)
-JaeJoong ah, we should meet, then have a drink along the way~~ (model; KangDongEun)
- Arrow pointing down ^^ (Calling from; ShimChangMin)
- Hyung! (Older brother in Korean) hit ChangMin~~~~ T-T? T-T (Sunrise mountain tiger;? KimJunSu)
- I Love Kang River (SoulMate; Park YooChun)
- Your health is the most important thing, JaeJoong ah~~~ (Dear; KimMinKyung)
- Work hard on your Proclaims, JaeJoong ah~~~ (3 bean, 2 bean, Won Bin; KimDoJin)
-Sense (Teacher in Japanese) JaeJoong! Let's work hard together! (Sense; Kwon BoA)
-Winter started~~ COLD! COLD!
-That depends on me, if you talk so must, you won't have food to eat!!! (From outer space; Kim JaeJoong)
-Don't matter how many times you do it, i win~~ ^^? (Soccer king? Dolphin; Kim JunSu)
-o o me, free micky, will do it, really YoonHo hyung)?? (Free Micky; ParkYooChun)
-Oppa, you can eat while you work right??? (Dear; JeongJiHae)
-YoonHo ah, let's go "drink" some pork??? (Happy; KangHoDong)
-Hey kid, how you doin'??? (JunJin)
-Hyung, JunSu hyung is hiding your hap.... (Number 1; ShimChangMin)
--Be more self confident! (Loves Most; Ricky Park)
-I, pure YoonHo, can do it, you, free Micky, can do it too!? (one pure; JeongYoonHo)
-Who let JunSu hyung make noodles!!!! (rakoon family; ShimChangMin)
-Han River is so cold now! Where do you think we should go?? (SoulMare; KimJaeJoong)
-Why should I give it to you???? (N Dolphin; KimJunSu)
-Dad, you forgot about me, right???? (My baby^^;? ChyuRa)
p.s.ChyuRa is Micky's little puppy... +_+
-Kkobong, when are you gonna come?? I didn't see Kkobong.. (You are my: Kkobong)
-Play again!! This time I won't loose!!? (This leader wants a re-match;? JeongYoonHo)
-Figure is empty! The figure family is empty!! (Figure family's fish; LeeSungMin)
-Kindergartener....? (Weight Lifter; ShimChangMin)
-Why do you ask me like what??? hehe... (I am your number 1 fan;? ParkYooChun)
-JunSu ah, I can't to anything to ChangMin also.... (Hitting ChangMin; KimJaeJoong)
-Who are you?? (My Dog; JunKi)
-No matter how many times i think about it, i..... (SM FAMILY; ShinDongHui)
-Ya! should i change Xiah-ki to Jun-ki?? (Xiah-ki protector; KimJunHo)
p.s. It's JunSu's older brother, they are talking about the dog's name because the dog was suppose to be Xiah's but his brother is taking care of it... long story... = =;;
-ChangMin ah, why are you like that?? Making me nervious... (Trust the Leader; JeongYoonHo)
-Oppa, when are you coming home!!!! (My Sister; ShimJiYeon)
-ChangMin ah, Hyung loves you? ^^ (Charisma; KimJunSu)
-The youngest, I didn't hit you hard right ^^? (Cooker;? KimJaeJoong)
-JunSu said he makes good noodles!!! (Rakoong family's trader; ParkYooChun)
-Aren't you starting KuMon? I want to feel your inspiration... (KuMon teacher; Teacher)
[Kumon is a study program]?
-OMG, JaeWong is here???? (Keum-Chun-Moo; ChoiSiWon)
Wish everyone a happy holidays~ and a happy new year! ^^
BEST WISHES~~ saranghae~ ^^
Translation by: JinJae
Picture from: HeroJaeJoong Bar
キット m(~_~)m
What TVXQ dislikes...
Xiah Zone
1 ) Doesn't like aerated water, coffee, or soda. If you're going to prepare a drink for him, you should prepare fruit drinks or herb tea
[so healthy!!!]
2 ) He strongly dislike oysters!
[nevermind... we can help you eat them...]
3 ) Doesn't like obscene or impolite talk whether in front of his fans or behind their back.
[such a well-mannered guy... his mum must be so proud of him...]
4 ) Doesn't like the word "loser" because it seems like a cruel word
[yes, i agree... it is a cruel word...]
5 ) Doesn't like his own skin because he has sensitive skin, so he must always be careful with the type of cosmetics he use
Micky Zone
1 ) Doesn't like anything risky, especially if it's risky activity involving heights
[I also don't like heights...]
2 ) Besides learning music, Micky has very little interest in anything else
3 ) Doesn't like to be alone
[不甘寂寞的有天。。。 well there's jaejoong in the room too... to keep you company...]
4 ) Doesn't like dogs, even though before he used to have a canine pet
5 ) Doesn't like separation / division in either skin color or class
[I don't like discrimination too... he must have been discriminated against when he was in US... poor Micky...]
Hero Zone
1 ) Don't call him "pretty" or "feminine". You should compliment him as "handsome" or "suave", that would please him more.
[ne... my handsome prince... anything u say...]
2 ) Doesn't like to drink coke because he once fainted from drinking coke
[must have been an overdose of caffeine... poor joongie...]
3 ) Doesn't like to wink since he can't wink
[but he can do it now... so he is winking A LOT now!!!]
4 ) Doesn't like a messy or cluttered and disorderly space because he if sees it, he would immediately go clean up and organize things
[cleanliness freak... good to have around the house... ha ha ha...]
5 ) Doesn't like anyone to embrace his waist or hip
[hmmmm.... how do u want e fans, who r most likely shorter than u, to hug u then???]
Max Zone
1 ) Doesn't like to be bothered when eating
2 ) Doesn't like to be bothered when reading / studying. It'll make him lose concentration.
3 ) Not pleased with his hair because he has really thick (bushy/shaggy) hair
4 ) Doesn't like to tell anyone when he's tired or not feeling well. Even when he's really sick, people would tell tell him he doesn't look like a sick person.
5 ) Doesn't want anyone thinking he's pretentious when the truth is that he just unsure of how to act / doesn't know what to do
[i don't understand max... complicated thinking processes going on in his head...]
Yunho Zone
1 ) Doesn't like anyone to say anything negative about any of the members. If he happens to hear any rumor / gossip, he would immediately try to clarify
[oh.... very fantastic leader....]
2 ) Doesn't like to sleep alone
[不甘寂寞的允浩。。。 well... there's junsu n max to keep u company in ur room...]
3 ) Doesn't like to give up, even if it's just a small challenge
[MCP traits at work... ego n competitiveness...]
4 ) Doesn't like small or cramped places because it makes him feel frustrated and uncomfortable/suffocated
[oh... didn't know he is claustrophobic...]
5 ) Doesn't like it when fans mob them, trying to pull their hair or their clothes
[i know what he means... but fans always do this... stay away fans... get a grip... let's be civilised n polite... we can have a conversation n not scream at them or pull their hair n clothes... we're not from stone age...]
キット m(~_~)m
名字游戏 - 東方神起篇
キット m(~_~)m
Saturday, December 15, 2007
[Lyrics] TVXQ - Together
My friend~ kimi wa boku no friend
My friend~ you are my friend
Hitori janai kimi ga soba ni iru kara
Because you won't be all by yourself
It's smile hikari abite smile
It's smile a light pouring smile
Itsu datte unmei wa kagayaiteru yo
Even when dream's shining
Kimi wa mirai wo kaete yuku kitto
You keep changing the future certainly
We can do itsu demo yuuki wo dashite
Putting the courage, we can do it anytime
Let's get together
Kokoro wa hitotsu
As one heart
Let's get together
Ashita mi aerune
We can also meet tomorrow don't you think like that?
Sekai juuno egao atsumete aishiruyo
The world's smiling face gathered the love
Let's get together
Boku kara kimi ni
from me to you
Let's get together
Kimikara unmei ni
from you to destiny
Kimochi ga todoitara isshoni dance dance alright
When feelings meet, together we'll dance dance alright
Love you tsutaete I love you
Love you, conveying I love you
Bokutachi no mainichi daiji ni shi ao
My everyday makes it important
Namida koborete tsurai toki sotto
Coming out densely quietly even in the time
Hoshi wo miagete shinji tsuzukeyou
Look at the star, believe it can be less crowded
Let's get together
Donna toki demo
which kind of time
Let's get together
Kitto daijoubu
certainly alright
Kurai yoru no sora mo hikari wa
See the light and true shining
dream in the dark night's sky
Let's get together
Kimi kara boku ni
From you some where
Let's get together
Boku kara minna ni
From my destiny
Kimochi ga todoitara
When feelings meet,
Issho ni dance dance alright!
together we'll dance dance alright
I love you, you're my friend (x5)
Ai wa namida wo koete yuku kitto
Certainly love keeps exceeding the tears
We can do itsu demo koko ni iru kara
Because we can do it anytime here
Let's get together
Kokoro wa itsu
As one heart
Let's get together
Ashita mo aeru ne
We can also meet tomorrow don't you think like that?
Sekai juu no egao atsumete aishiauyo
The world's smiling face gathered the love
Let's get together
Boku kara kimi ni
From me to you
Let's get together
Kimi kara minna ni
From you to destiny
Kimochi ga todoitara
When feelings meet,
Issho ni dance dance alright!
together we'll dance dance alright
Let's get together
Let's get together
Credits: caryncyh @ bww2 + yesung13cherish @ cyxion
キット m(~_~)m
[Lyrics] SM Town - Only Love (Sarang Hah Nah Jyo)
Dashi gwi giuryo duroyo
Jo gunurjin goseso
Dullyo onun hansum sori
Godwen haru haru ga himgyowo~
Neiri onungodo
Duryobgiman han gogejyo
Odu un sesange boryojin dushi
Honjarago nukiji anhdorog
Sarur enun shirin baramdo
Hamke maga jurgeyo
Ojig sarang hanajyo
Nega gajingon nomudo jag go jagjiman
Hamke nanumyo gijog gwa gathun iri irinajyo
Uri sarang phunijyo
Oduwojin orgure hemargun misorur chaja junun gon
Uri jagun sarange khun himijyo...
Monjo~ son jaba juseyo~
Ajig orin du nune~
Nunmurun andwejyo~~ (OH~)
Yorin ojewirur jitnurunun~
Gu mugoun hyonshire~
Aidaun khum majo irho gajyo
Odu un sesange boryojin dushi
Honjarago nukiji anhdorog
Sarur enun shirin baramdo
Hamke maga jurgeyo... (OH~ WO~~)
Ojig sarang hanajyo
Nega gajingon nomudo jag go jagjiman
Hamke nanumyo gijog gwa gathun iri irinajyo
Uri sarang phunijyo
Oduwojin orgure hemargun misorur chaja junun gon
Uri jagun sarange khun himijyo... (WO~ OOH WO~)
Morunchog jinachichi marayo
Gude songirur gidaryoyo
Bargun bichi dweo jur
Sarangur hamke nanuo gayo.. (YE-YEI~ I~YEIYE...)
YEAH~ gochirojyo boryone isesangi modu magmaghe
Sumur shwigo shipho he
Naui gude ije honjara nukiji anhge hejurge
Yaghan yonghonduri urir hyanghe sonur podo
(WO~ HOH~)
Ojig sarang hanajyo (sarang hanajyo)
Sarang hanaro uri (sarang hanaro) saragar igosun
Himi durodo (himi durodo) ajigkajinun arumdaun sesang (sesang~)
Uri sarang phunijyo (OH~)
Gyondyo negi oryoun shiryonur mannado son ne miro jur
Gude isso (gude isso~)...
(OOH~) tathuthan~
Sesangi dwergoeyo...
Credits: HUAY @ Aigoo Lyrics [ http://aigoolyrics.net ]
キット m(~_~)m
[Lyrics] TVXQ - Evergreen
Nunmure ollugjyo borin chuog
Memories stained with tears,
Gwidgaye memdonun ni mogsori
your voice rings in my ears.
Barejin sege garyo han obshi jichyoman ga
Hidden by color, I'm getting exhausted,
Jakuman tollyo onun nundongja
I keep seeing your eyes
Biga nerinun ne mam sogenun
In my heart it's raining
Guderan nogi suro boryoso
and it has been covered with rust
Jiursu obnun goshi dweo ijen...
Now I remain
Pojure han jogaguro nama
as one piece of puzzle
Nar burugo... isso...
and you are calling me.
EVERGREEN soturgi manhan
Evergreen, evergreen
Babo gathun nan gudega
Like an inexperienced fool
Jeonun sarangur morugo sarawajyo
I lived without seeing the love you were giving me
Tangsin nun naui gyotheso
From now on
Nunmur hulliji anhdorog
I won't let you cry
Oton surphumdo garyojunun
I'll be the warmth
Tathuthan nega dweo
that covers any sadness
Gamssa anurge...
and embrace you
Michinduth thwigo inun gasumgwa
My heart that beats like crazy, and
Biga sarajyo tumyong hejin
The rain has disappeared and it has all become clear.
Du nunun norur chaja hyeme jigum...
Hoping you'd be there listening, at the end of this road
Odiso dudgo ijin anhurka
My eyes are looking for you I wonder if you are listening to it,
Igire... kuthe~...
EVERGREEN soturgi manhan
Evergreen, evergreen.
Babo gathun nan gudega
Like an inexperienced fool,
Jeonun sarangur morugo sarawajyo
I lived without seeing the love you were giving me
Tangsin nun naui gyotheso
From now on
Nunmur hulliji anhdorog
I won't let you cry
Oton surphumdo garyojunun
I'll be the warmth
Tathuthan nega dweo
that covers any sadness
Gamssa anurge...
and embrace you
Gude obnun nan muodo borsu obgejyo
Without you, I can't see anything
Gude obnun nan muodo dulliji anhjyo
Without you, I can't hear anything
Urji mayo nega obnun jigum
Don't cry, though you're alone
Honjain gudenika
without me now
Babo gathun norur ne phume ango
I'll embrace you
Daka jurtheni~
and wipe away your tears
EVERGREEN soturgi manhan
Evergreen, evergreen.
Babo gathun nan gudega
Like an inexperienced fool,
Jeonun sarangur morugo sarawajyo...
I lived without seeing the love you were giving me
Dashi nun naui gyotheso
From now on
Nunmur hulliji anhdorog
I won't let you cry
Oton surphumdo garyojunun
I'll be the warmth
Tathuthan nega dweo
that covers any sadness
Gamssa anurge...
and embrace you.
Credits to HUAY @ Aigoo Lyrics [ http://aigoolyrics.net ]
キット m(~_~)m
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Questionnaire for TVXQ - What's In Mag
some questions were asked in their 1st artist book.
1. Favorite food?
JJ: Spicy food
CM : Everything
JS : Natto - Fermented soybeans
YH : Pot (i think he meant stew)
YC: anything that I like
2. Dislike food?
JJ: Sweet food
CM: None
JS: (i'm not sure sorry)
YH: None
YC: Natto
3. Favorite place?
JJ: places where there is a sea or a river
CM: Quiet place
JU: Rooftop of the recording company
YH: Seoul tower
YC: my own room which i do my composing stuff
4. Dislike place?
JJ: Bustling place
CM: Places where I have to meet many people for the first time
JS: None
YH: Narrow places
YC: Bustling places
5. What's the first thing that you see when you wake up in the morning?
JJ: Yoochun
CM: Light
JS: Changmin
YH: Mobile phone
YC: Jaejoong
6. What do you want for today's dinner?
JJ: An easy meal
CM: anything is fine
JS anything is fine
YH: Stew
YC: BBQ meat
7. If you are reborn, what would you like to become?
JJ: the current me
CM: Farmer
JS: Wind
YH: the person which i like is myself
YC: Car racer
8. What do you want to do on your next holiday?
JJ: I want to go to the beach and enjoy the sea
CM: plan to go and watch world cup in june
JS: Soccer
YH: go to germany
YC: Watch movie
9. If the world stops moving, what will you be worried about?
JJ: Clothes
CM: Music, CD, members, family, friends
JS: members
YH: family
YC: my body
10. Out of these two combination which must you buy?
JJ: None
CM: Drinks
JS: Milk
YH: Milk
YC: Ice-cream
11. What will you be doing when you are 80 years old?
JJ: Exercise with all my life's effort
CM: Smile / laugh
JS: Spend holiday around the world
YH: Preparing christmas party with my children and grandchildren
YC: Composing songs/lyrics
12. What will you do if you picked up 1,000,000 Yen where no one was around?
JJ: Use it
CM: Use on my own stuff
JS: Add to my savings
YH: Leave it as it is
YC: Half for savings, use the other half
13. Bad habits which you have not stopped?
JJ: Looking at myself on the mirror
CM: biting nails
JS: my laughter
YH: touching my ears and eyes when i'm nervous
YC: None
14. What would you like most to do now?
JJ: Promenade (a stroll / walk)
CM: Sleep
JS: Shopping
YH: Exercise
YC: Composing
キット m(~_~)m
Saturday, December 8, 2007
[Kor MTV] "Only Love 사랑하나죠" 2007 (with SM Town)
キット m(~_~)m
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
[MTV] TVXQ - Together
*Note: Theme song for e "O Cinnamon" anime movie... probably y e mtv is anime too... this is their 15th single in Japan...
キット m(~_~)m
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
2007 Paris Photobook Special Limited Edition
Dong Bang Shin Ki - 2007 Paris Photobook Special Limited Edition
~ Dong Bang Shin Ki (TVXQ)
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Product Information | ||
Product Title | : | Dong Bang Shin Ki - 2007 Paris Photobook Special Limited Edition |
: | ||
: | ||
: | Dong Bang Shin Ki (TVXQ) | |
: | November 20, 2007 (Pre-order your copy now!) | |
: | Korean | |
: | No Subtitle | |
: | 4,000 g | |
: | SM Entertainment | |
: | 3 Photo book+DVD | |
: | 1005113411 |
Description of "Dong Bang Shin Ki - 2007 Paris Photobook Special Limited Edition"
Monday, November 19, 2007
[Lyrics] TVXQ - Insa 인사 Greeting
Barami momun gu shigan jocha
Even that time when the wind stays
나에겐 너무 모자란걸
Naegen nomu mojarangol
Its not enough for me.
한번의 미소 마지막 인사
Hanbone miso majimak insa
I smile one more time and give my final greeting:
사랑합니다 그댈
Saranghamnida gudel
I love you.
시간에 지쳐도 사랑에 아파도
Shigane jichodo sarang-e apado
I am tired now and love hurts but
그시간 조차 추억이고
Gu shigan jocha chuogigo
Even if that time is just a memory
마지막 인사를 하네요
majimak insal haneyo
I have to give my final greeting.
사랑합니다 사랑합니다
Saranghamnida saranghamnida
I love you, I love you.
Fly away Fly away LOVE
Fly away Fly away LOVE
Fly away Fly away LOVE
내생에 단 한번의 사랑아 안녕
Neseng-e dan hanbone sarang-a anyong
In the afterlife I will greet my love again
キット m(~_~)m
[Lyrics] TVXQ - Miss You
Hodou no mukou ni mitsuketanda
On the sidewalk on the other side of the street, I saw it
Anata no sono no sugata
The image of you
Tomatteita bokura no jikan ga
Our time when we stayed at the same place
Totsuzen ugoki dashitayo
Suddenly started to move
wo oh oh 追いかけて
wo oh oh Oikakete
Wo oh oh I chased after you
wo oh oh 走った
wo oh oh Hashitta
Wo oh oh I ran
wo oh oh 人混みが
wo oh oh Hitogomi ga
Wo oh oh into a crowd of people
あなたを遠ざけて 連れてゆく
Anata wo toozakete tsurete yuku
You led me, keeping your distance from me
あの日出会えなければ こんな気持ち知らずに
Ano hi deaena kereba konna kimochi shirazuni
If I hadn’t meet you that day, I wouldn’t know this emotion
街角ですれ違って 終わってたのに
Machikado de sure chigatte owatteta no ni
Even though we passed each other on the street corner and it ended,
今も忘れられない 指も髪も涙も
Ima mo wasurerarenai yubi mo kami mo namida mo
Even now I can’t forget, your fingers, your hair, your tears
せつなさは あの時に 覚えたよdon't let me down
Setsunasa wa ano toki ni oboetayo don't let me down
I remembered all the pain from that time, don’t let me down
Ano toki no bokura wa tomadotte
During that time we were so caught up in ourselves
Sunao ni narenakute
And we couldn’t be honest
Ima nara anata wo hanasanai to
But now I can say I won’t lose you
言えるよ 僕を信じて
Ieru yo boku wo shinjite
Believe me
wo oh oh その名前
wo oh oh Sono namae
Wo oh oh that name
wo oh oh 叫んだ
wo oh oh Sakenda
Wo oh oh I called
wo oh oh この場所で
wo oh oh Kono basho de
Wo oh oh in this place
あなたをもう一度 抱きしめる
Anata wo mou ichido dakishimeru
I hold you one more time
もしもあなたが今も ひとりでいるのならば
Moshimo anata ga ima mo hitori de iru no naraba
If you are currently alone
どこまでも守るから 見つめて欲しい
Dokomademo mamoru kara mitsumete hoshii
I will protect you anywhere, I look at you
急ぐ街は夕暮れ 僕らを包んでゆく
Isogu machi wa yuugure bokura wo tsutsunde yuku
The busy street’s afternoon will hold us together
この想い駆け抜けて 届けたいI take you back
Kono omoi kakenukete todoketai I take you back
This emotion comes to me, and I want to give it to you, I take you back
あなたの瞳 振り向いたら
Anata no hitomi furi muitara
If you turn around with your eyes,
笑ってほしいよ 変わらないで
Waratte hoshii yo kawaranai de
I want to laugh, never change
oh I miss you
あの日出会えなければ こんな気持ち知らずに
Ano hi deaena kereba konna kimochi shirazuni
If I hadn’t meet you that day, I wouldn’t know this emotion
街角ですれ違って 終わってたのに
Machikakode sure chigatte owatteta no ni
Even though we passed each other on the street corner and it ended,
今も忘れられない 指も髪も涙も
Ima mo wasurerarenai yubi mo kami mo namida mo
Even now I can’t forget, your fingers, your hair, your tears
せつなさは あの時に 覚えたよdon't let me down
Setsunasa wa ano toki ni oboetayo don't let me down
I remembered all the pain from that time, don’t let me down
もしもあなたが今も ひとりでいるのならば
Moshimo anata ga ima mo hitori de iru no naraba
If you are currently alone
どこまでも守るから 見つめて欲しい
Dokomademo mamoru kara mitsumete hoshii
I will protect you anywhere, I look at you
急ぐ街は夕暮れ 僕らを包んでゆく
Isogu machi wa yuugure bokura wo tsutsunde yuku
The busy street’s afternoon will hold us together
この想い駆け抜けて 届けたいI take you back
Kono omoi kakenukete todoketai I take you back
This emotion comes to me, and I want to give it to you, I take you back
キット m(~_~)m
[Lyrics] TVXQ - Zion
I wanna do mukai atta sekai ni
I wanna do, to the world that was correctly opposite,
aim true 身体中微熱が狙ってるfeel so good
Aim true karada chuu binetsu ga neratteru feel so good
Aim true, aiming to the fever inside this body, feel so good
欲しかったようなsame scene広がる
Hoshikatta youna same scene hirogaru
The same scene that was wished for spreads out
Oh everybody come with me
たどり着く 場所からまた始める
Tadoritsuku basho kara mata hajimeru
From the place we struggled to get to it starts again.
Owari naki desire sore demo ii
It’s ok to have a desire that never ends
How about you?感じたいよbaby
How about you? Kanjitai yo baby
How about you? I want to feel it.
what can I do? 超えるしかない
What can I do? Koeru shika nai
What can I do? There’s no choice but to cross over
I gotta開かれたドア
I gotta hirakareta doa
I gotta open this door
このchance 今 I get up
Kono chance ima I get up
This chance, now I get up
Tashika ni aru paradise
There certainly exists a paradise
Anata wo sugu ni tsurete yuku destiny
I am going to lead you in an instant to the destiny
to realise この瞬間を待ってた
To realize kono shunkan wo matteta
To realize, I’ve waited for this moment
for be alive 叶えるために見る夢 one world
For be alive kanaeru tame ni miru yume one world
For be alive, I see the dream of one world so I can grant the wish
Eien ni tsudzuku ano mirai e
Towards the distant future that I continue to forever,
Mitsumeru saki ni
Before, I watch it.
Muri to iwareru hodo ikitaku naru
I want to get to the point where I can say it’s unreasonable
Daremo mita koto nai kagayaki made
Until I reach the radiance no one else could see.
break the rule 好きなようにしたいなら
Break the rule suki na you ni shitai nara
Break the rule, if you want to do this likeable thing,
make a move 全部脱ぎ捨て
Make a move zenbu nugisute
Make a move, throw off everything
I'm gonna 導く明日
I’m gonna michibiku ashita
I’m gonna lead into tomorrow
only you その愛が
Only you sono ai ga
Only you, this love
心を呼ぶ paradise
Kokoro wo yobu paradise
Calls out to the heart, paradise
baby listen to my heart 前に行くdestiny
Baby listen to my heart mae ni yuku destiny
Baby, listen to my heart, before we go to the destiny
その向こうに 衝動のように
Sono mukou ni shoudou no you ni
In the this beyond, just like this impulse,
現れる日 地上に way to Zion
Arawareru hi chijou ni way to Zion
The day will appear above the ground, way to Zion
険しくても 傷ついても
Kawashikutemo kizutsuitemo
Even through the inaccessible places, even it we are wounded,
僕らの道 きっと 巡り会える
Bokura no michi kitto muguriaeru
We will certainly meet by chance on our road.
I gotta開かれたドア
I gotta hirakareta doa
I gotta open this door
このchance 今 I get up
Kono chance ima I get up
This chance, now I get up
Tashika ni aru paradise
There certainly exists a paradise
Anata wo sugu ni tsurete
I am going to lead you in an instant
I'm gonna 導く明日
I’m gonna michibiku ashita
I’m gonna lead into tomorrow
only you その愛が
Only you sono ai ga
Only you, this love
心を呼ぶ paradise
Kokoro wo yobu paradise
Calls out to the heart, paradise
baby listen to my heart 前に行くdestiny
Baby listen to my heart mae ni yuku destiny
Baby, listen to my heart, before we go to the destiny
キット m(~_~)m
[Lyrics] TVXQ - Sky
晴れ渡る空 高く どこまでも手を伸ばし
Hare wataru sora takaku dokomademo te wo nobashi
Clear weather is across the sky, high above, anywhere I go I hold you hand
光 身体中に浴びて
Hikari karada chuuni abite
The inside of our bodies bathe in the light
騒ぎ出す胸の鼓動 忘れられない夏にしよう
Sawagi dasu mune no kodou wasurerarenai natsu ni shiyou
The beat in your heart takes care of all the uproars, let’s make a summer we’ll never forget
Kimi ga koko ni iru kara
Because you are here
脱ぎ捨ててゆく 傷も痛みも
Nugi sutete yuku kizumo itamimo
We’re going to get rid of everything, including the wounds and pain
自由だけ抱きしめて 明日に向かうよ
Jiyuu dake dakishimete ashita ni mukau yo
Just the freedom holds me, and I look towards tomorrow.
太陽が今 僕らの上で 輝き続けるから
Taiyou ga ima bokura no uede kagayaki tsuzukeru kara
The sun is now above us, and because it continues to shine,
この夏は永遠に終わらない believe me
Kono natsu wa eien ni owaranai believe me
This summer will never end, believe me
好きな感じで 楽しめばいい 繰り返すeverything's alright
Suki na kanji de tanoshimeba ii kurikaensu everything's alright
If your having fun with this amazing feeling, continue it, everything’s alright
何もかも 熱い世界に届け
Nanimo kamo atsui sekai ni todoke
Anything and everything reaches this hot world
南風吹く場所で 見つめる道の先は
Minamikaze fuku basho de mitsumeru michi no saki wa
In the place where the south wind blows, before the street we are gazing at,
揺れる 蜃気楼の彼方
Yureru shinkirou no Kanata
We shake the other mirages
夢は僕らに何か 伝えて前に進むため
Yume wa bokura ni nanika tsutaete mae ni susumutame
The dream conveys something to us before we get there so we can make progress
心 強くさせるよ
Kokoro tsuyoku saseru yo
And our hearts strongly make us do this.
一度しかない 今日という日に
Ichido shikanai kyou to iu hi ni
It’s just one time, the day is today
思いきりぶつかれば 扉は開くよ
Omoi kiri butsukareba tobira wa hiraku yo
If we collide into it with all of our hearts, the door will open.
見上げれば空 見下ろせば海 そこに僕らは生きて
Miagereba sora mioruseba umi sokoni bokura waikite
If you look up, there’s sky, if you look around its sea, we live here
この夏に巡り逢えた奇蹟 believe you
Kono natsu ni meguri aeta kiseki believe you
In this summer there was the miracle of us meeting, believe you
笑ってゆこう 君と一緒に 飛び出せばeverything's alright
Waratte yukou kimi to issho ni tobidaseba everything's alright
We’re going to laugh, together with you if we jump out, everything’s all right
限りなく 晴れ渡るあの空へ
Kagirinaku hare wataru ano sora e
The never ending good weather crosses over that sky
太陽が今 僕らの上で 輝き続けるから
Taiyou ga ima bokura no uede kagayaki tsuzukeru kara
The sun is now above us, and because it continues to shine,
この夏は永遠に終わらない believe me
Kono natsu wa eien ni owaranai believe me
This summer will never end, believe me
好きな感じで 楽しめばいい 繰り返すeverything's alright
Suki na kanji de tanoshimeba ii kurikaensu everything's alright
If your having fun with this amazing feeling, continue it, everything’s alright
何もかも 熱い世界に届け
Nanimo kamo atsui sekai ni todoke
Anything and everything reaches this hot world
キット m(~_~)m
Sunday, November 18, 2007
[Lyrics] TVXQ - 마법의 성 (Magic Castle)
마법의 성 (Magic Castle)
[시아] 믿을 수 있나요 나의 꿈속에서
[Xiah] midul su itnayo naye ggoomsogeso
Can you believe it?
너는 마법에 빠진 공주란걸
neonun mabobe bbajin gongjurangol
That in my dreams you are a princess that's fallen inside magic?
[최강] 언제나 너를 향한 몸짓엔
[Max] onjena norul hyanghan momjisen
Even though my gestures towards you
수많은 어려움뿐이지만
sumanun oryo-oomboonijiman
are always so hard for me.
[유노] 그러나 언제나 굳은 다짐뿐이죠
[Uknow] kurona onjena gudun tajimbboonijyo
However, it's always just a hard promise,
다시 너를 구하고 말거라고
dashi norul guhago malgorago
that I'm going to save you again, no matter what.
[영웅] 두 손을 모아 기도 했죠
[Hero] d usonul moa gido haetjyo
I put my two hands together and prayed,
끝없는 용기와 지혤 달라고
ggutopnun yonggiwa jihyel tallago
for endless courage and wisdom.
[믹키] 마법의 성을 지나 늪을 건너
[Micky] mabobe songul jina nupul konno
Past the magic castle and over the swamps,
어둠의 동굴 속 멀리 그대가 보여
odume donggul sok molli gudega boyo
I see you far away inside darkness' cave.
[유노] 이제 나의 손을 잡아보아요
[Uknow] ije naye sonul jababoayo
Now hold onto my hand.
[영웅] 우리의 몸이 떠오르는 것을 느끼죠
[Hero] uriye momi ddoorunun gosul nuggijyo
Can't you feel our bodies rising?
[시아] 자유롭게 저 하늘을 날아가도
[Xiah] jayuropge cho hanurul naragado
Even if we fly high up into the sky, freely,
놀라지 말아요
nollaji marayo
don't be scared.
[최강] 우리 앞에 펼쳐질 세상이
[Max] uri ape pyolchyojil sesangi
The world unraveling infront of us
너무나 소중해 함께라면
nomuna sojoonghe hamggeramyon
can be so special if we're together.
[유노] 마법의 성을 지나 늪을 건너
[Uknow] mabobe songul jina nupeul gonno
Past the magic castle and over the swamps,
[시아] 어둠의 동굴 속 멀리 그대가 보여
[Xiah] odume donggul sok molli gudega boyo
I see you far away inside darkness' cave.
[믹키] 이제 나의 손을 잡아보아요
[Micky] ije naye sonul jababoayo
Now hold onto my hand.
[최강] 우리의 몸이 떠오르는 것을 느끼죠
[Max] uriye momi ddoorunun gosul nuggijyo
Can't you feel our bodies rising?
[믹키] 자유롭게 저 하늘을 날아가도
[Micky] jayuropge cho hanurul naragado
Even if we fly high up into the sky, freely,.
놀라지 말아요
nollaji marayo
don't be scared
[영웅] 우리 앞에 펼쳐질 세상이
[Hero] uri ape pyolchyojil sesangi
The world unraveling infront of us
너무나 소중해 함께있다면
nomuna sojoonghe hamggeramyon
can be special if we're together
キット m(~_~)m
[Lyrics] TVXQ - 기도문 (Prayer)
기도문 (Prayer)
[믹키] [Micky]
매일 우리가 하는 말은
Meil uriga hanun marun
Please let the words that we say
역겨운 냄새가 아닌
yoggyoun nemsega anin
not be an evil smell but rather
향기로운 말로
hyanggiroun mallo
with frangrant words
향기로운 여운을 남게 하소서.
hyanggiroun younul namge hasoso
let us leave fragrant echoes.
[유노] [Yunho]
우리의 모든 말들이
Urie modun malduri
Please let all our words be ones
이웃의 가슴에 꽂히는
iuse gasume kojhinun
that plant seeds in our neighbors' hearts
기쁨의 꽃이 되고
to become flowers of joy and let it become
평화의 노래가 되어
pyonghwaui norega doeo
a song of peace to little by little,
세상이 조금씩 더 밝아지게 하소서.
sesangi jogumshig do balgajige hasoso
make the world a brighter place
[최강] [Changmin]
누구에게도 도움이 될 리 없는
Nuguegedo doumi doelli obnun
Please do not let us speak of
험담과 헛된 소문을 실어 나르지 않는
homdamgwa hodoen somunul shiro naruji anhnun
gossip and rumors that help no one
깨끗한 마음으로
kekuthan maumuro
and with clean hearts let us
깨끗한 말을 하게 하소서.
kekuthan marul hage hasoso
speak clean words.
[시아] [Xiah]
나보다 먼저
Naboda monjo
Please let me speak of loving words
상대방의 입장을 헤아리는
sangdebange ibjangul hearinun
with a loving heart to not think of myself first,
사랑의 마음으로
sarange maumuro
but instead put myself
사랑의 말을 하게 하시고
sarange marul hage hashigo
in the other person's shoes.
남의 나쁜 점보다는
name nappun jombodanun
and let me speak positive words
좋은 점을 먼저 보는
johun jomul monjo bonun
with a positive heart
긍정적인 마음으로
gungjongjogin maumuro
to look at my good points
긍정적인 말을 하게 하소서.
gungjongjogin marul hage hasoso
instead of the bad points.
[영웅] [Jaejoong]
매일 정성껏 물을 주어
Meil jongsongkod murul juo
As if giving the water of sincerity
한 포기의 난초를 가꾸듯
han pogie nanchoru gakkudud
to care for just one bud of an orchid everyday
침묵과 기도의 샘에서 길어 올린
chimmuggwa gidoe semeso giro ollin
let us clear our words with the clean water of wisdom
지혜의 맑은 물로
jihyeye malgun mullo
that we've retrieved from the spring
우리의 말씨를 가다듬게 하소서
urie malshirul gadadumge hasoso
of our prayer and silence.
[믹키] [Micky]
겸손의 그윽한 향기
Gyomsone gu ughan hyanggi
Please let us engulf ourselves
그 안에 스며들게 하소서.
gu ane sumyodulge hasoso
キット m(~_~)m