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You might be wondering what made me start talking about online shopping all of a sudden...
That's cos I just bought myself a nice gift online...
Hee heee....
No worries it's not another bag...
And no it's not clothes or accessories...
This time I bought myself....
TVXQ's Christmas Album "Christmas Gift From Dong Bang Shin Ki"
a wonderful addition to that...
TVXQ's 2007 Planner....
Yes, it's a bit weird getting a planner at this time of the year...
Considering I'll only be getting the parcel in about 2 weeks' time, which will be early March already...
But after looking at it for so many times, and pondering over and over again...
I figured I'd better get it now, or it'll be more weird later in the year...
No doubt the price might drop even further...
Considering HMV are already selling 2007 calendars at $0.95 in Feb... When they were sold at $19.95 in late 2006, and $4.95 in Jan...
I'd figured that they won't drop the price any further...
But there's ALSO a possibility of them NOT selling them anymore... Which is worst...
And the X'mas album is from 2005, so strictly speaking it's a rather old album... But the price is still at $20++, so I don't think there'll be any further reduction...
AND this X'mas album is ENTIRELY by them, so nothing like the SM Town compilations sold during X'mas, which only features one PATHETIC song by them, and the annual SM Town X'mas song... So despite there being only about 8 songs, I think it's still a much better deal than the SM Town compilations...
Moreover I feel that SM Entertainment is really sucking TVXQ fans dry...
4 DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF the "O - 正。反。合。" album alone...
- Version A: comes with a 32-page Photobook (featuring TVXQ in Prague)
- Version B: comes with a DVD (making of "O" MV, extended version of "O" MV, interviews of each TVXQ member during their photo shoot in Prague, an "self-filmed" message to fans by TVXQ, & 2 exclusive wallpapers)
(* I bought this from CD-Rama, after the salesman insisted that the other versions are not available in Singapore, only in Korea & Japan. And a few months later, I see them appearing slowly one by one... So ironic... But the good thing is I see Jaejoong trying to change the tape during the interview and message to fans that they supposedly "filmed themselves"... They are hilariously cute...)
- Version C: comes with a DVD (VACATION Theatre drama)
(* This is the one that I am currently eyeing and contemplating cos of the drama, but I'm putting on hold as I have a feeling that SM will bundle it with something else or sell the drama alone further down the road...)
- Version D: comes with a DVD (interviews & MVs)
And this doesn't even include the Japanese version of the album...
And they are so clever not to sell "Vacation" (TVXQ's first theatrical drama) as a DVD box set, but instead put it together inside the repackaged album instead. And thus coercing us to buy the different versions cos of the different "goodies" packaged inside each version...
If one was really fanatic enough to buy everything, that'll be about S$100+++ for just that album alone...
As much as I would like to show TVXQ my support, and to watch, see, hear, and keep all their "goodies", I can't bring myself to make such a illogical purchase...
Yes I am still mentally sound...
Despite being "head over heels" in love with their music...
I wait anxiously for my TVXQ parcel to arrive from Yesasia.com...
Same Old Shopaholic