My Tohoshinki/THSK/ Tong Vfang Xien Qi/TVXQ/ Dong Bang Shin Ki/DBSK/ Dong Bang Shin Gi/DBSG/ 동방신기...
This is where I keep all my fave band's stuff, or goodies as fellow Cassiopeians/ 仙后们 will call them...
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
1st Asia Tour - Rising Sun (DVD Deluxe Version) (Taiwan Version)
2006 Live Concert - Rising Sun (DVD Deluxe Version) (Taiwan Version)
~ Dong Bang Shin Ki (TVXQ)
Shopping Note: |
· | Karaoke function is NOT available in this product. |
· | This product will not be shipped to Hong Kong. |
TVXQ cannot complain as far as their phenomenal popularity is concerned. Giving their first concert at Seoul's Olympic Stadium, they once more prove to be a great attraction, drawing numerous highly anticipating fans. Now the boys' sold-out concerts from early 2006 are available for repeated homeviewing pleasure. Their concert release comes as a 2-DVD combo, with the first disc capturing the live performance with 30 tracks and a running time of approximately 138 minutes. Some of their biggest hits like HUG, Tonight, and TRI-ANGLE are of couse also included. As for the second disc, TVXQ lovers are rewarded with special footage featuring a dance performance by U-Know, a duet by Xiah and Super Junior member Eun Hyuk, and behind-the-scenes material. Also offering footage from the concert rehearsal, a still gallery, and an interview section, Dong Bang Shin Ki 2006 Concert - Rising Sun should please all dedicated TVXQ fans. |
Product Information | ||
Product Title | : | 2006 Live Concert - Rising Sun (DVD Deluxe Version) (Taiwan Version) |
: | ||
: | ||
: | Dong Bang Shin Ki (TVXQ) | |
: | April 27, 2007 | |
: | Korean | |
: | Traditional Chinese | |
: | 510 g | |
: | AVEX (TW) | |
: | 2DVDs | |
: | 1004754940 | |
: | 3 (What is it?) |
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Monday, April 23, 2007
TVXQ singing Happy Birthday To You
Normal version by everyone...
R&B English version by Jaejoong alone...
R&B Korean version by Jaejoong alone...
Traditional Korean version by Jaejoong alone???
Rock version by Jaejoong alone...
Dance version by U-Know alone...
I'll be watching this again on my birthday next month...
Sunday, April 22, 2007
TVXQ with mini TVXQ on Star King 04/17/07
I love their synchronised poses...
Mini Xiah is the cutest cos he's e youngest, and he did the move even before Xiah was ready...
Making Xiah laugh like crazy...
And the kiss...
Not a touch and go kind...
But a touch, hold, stay for a while, then go kind...
And the boy was so willing cos he moved towards Xiah too...
If no one knows them, they'll probably think they're father and son...
Mini Jaejoong is cute cos he's so like in his own world...
And ignoring the adults...
AND he also ignored Jaejoong during the shoot... As seen in the clip...
Wonder what he said when the host asked him why he ignored Jaejoong... That made Jaejoong laugh so much...
TVXQ Increases the Sales of Orion, Tuesday November 21, 2006 Korea
The Korean food manufacturing company Orion had a spectacular increase in sales turnover since the male group TVXQ posed for the advertising campaign of its new biscuit called Mystic.
According to Orion, the sales of Mystic exceeded the 4 billion won mark in 40 days after the release of the biscuit in the Korean market. And the numbers will not probably end there because the fans of TVXQ!, more than 3 million, want to collect the various packagings which have the pictures of the members.
Orion even revealed that Japanese and Chinese teenagers even asked the company whether it will have international parcel deliveries!
Doesn't this prove that their reach is international???
Fortunately for me, I'm still within the Asia region...
So despite them NOT coming here, I still get their stuff from imports...
And definitely good online stores...
Such as Yesasia.com...
I love my TVXQ planner to bits...
It's filled with my scribbles...
From lyrics to everything under the sun...
And I'm using my expensive fountain pen in it...
Luckily the paper is thick, so the ink doesn't really go onto the next page...
And of cos... My X'mas album...
Will be a keeper on my hifi on repeat mode for my upcoming X'mas...
Same Old
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Your Stylish Friend. Beautiful Stick. 美 Stick
I found a small shop selling ALL Korean foodstuff at Burlington Square today...
It's called SHINE Korea...
It's a really small shop at an obscure corner near the door to carpark Lift 4, if you want to find it...
I think there's a side door that faces the street also...
Address is 175 Bencoolen Street #01-10/11 Burlington Square...
Anywayz I entered this shop wanting to buy REAL kimchi...
Cos the powder I bought last time from Daiso to make kimchi turned out quite bad...
Maybe cos my mum bought the wrong type of vegetable...
She didn't buy cabbage...
She bought something else...
And I used the ENTIRE package of 6 packets of powder...
It still didn't taste anywhere near kimchi...
But the Japanese cucumbers tasted good in the marinate powder...
So if you wanna try the kimchi powder from Daiso... Just use it on Japanese cucumbers...
Anywayz, I went in and I was looking around for Kimchi then I see from the corner of my eye, a red box that looked similar to the one that Fe and I saw in the idol shop at Level 9 Cineleisure (it's at an obscure corner INSIDE the gaming area). So I got all excited and I dashed over to try to secure that box...
Only to have the shop assistant tell me that there are more over at the shelf, cos I was tiptoeing and trying very hard to push the box down, since it had other boxes of stuff on top of it.
Then I walked over to the shelf, and WOW!!!
There were like tonnes of the box sets!!!
And what's more...
They were selling them cheaper than the idol shop...
In my spur of the moment excitement, I decided to grab one box...
Making my boss grab one box too, cos of my excitement...
AND ANOTHER old lady was so interested in my box, cos I was holding two and comparing... She asked me what they were and how many boxes there were inside the box set...
I said I don't know...
Then as I whizzed around the shop trying to find my kimchi, and even when I was queuing to pay up, the old lady was still bugging me on the box set that I was purchasing...
BUT in the end, she didn't buy it...
I think she didn't feel secure buying something when you don't know how many packets are inside the bigger box...
And all the text are in Korean...
This is what I bought in my Jaejoongie-maniac state-of-mind...

This is the Beauty Stick box set with all the contents... Costing $28.80... 12 boxes of the snacks (chocolate coated or filled sticks like Meiji's)... A photobook of TVXQ... And a CD-ROM with their pics from the photobook...

This is the box itself... It has a rope string that allows you to carry it like a swinging basket...

12 boxes of the snacks... This is the combi I got...
Btw the chocolate is bitter dark chocolate for the chocolate-coated sticks...
2 x Chocolate-coated sticks
1 x Cafe Latte-swirly sticks
1 x Chocolate-filled wafer sticks
1 x Cafe Latte-swirly sticks
1 x Chocolate-filled wafer sticks
1 x Chocolate-filled wafer sticks
2 x Chocolate-coated sticks
2 x Cafe Latte-swirly sticks
1 x Chocolate-filled wafer sticks

This is the CD-ROM and the photobook...
I'm not going to put up the pics inside the photobook here...
Cos they're exclusive... Hee hee...
I'll just say there's a very nicely taken set of 6 pics of each member, and 4 group pics...
Can't wait to try the kimchi...
I bought a 1kg packet in a resealable pack $12, and a 400g jar one $6...
Will eat the packet one first...
I also bought 2 packets of kimchi instant noodles $0.70 each, and 2 packets of Chacharoni 杂酱面 instant noodles $0.90 each.
And my purchases round up to a very nice $50...
Silly me was still waiting for change then I realised when I looked at my receipt that my purchases were $50 exactly...
Same Old Fanatic
PS: Please refer to my "Same Old 神様" album for bigger pics of the products that I've bought...
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
TVXQ - The drama-kings
TV Drama Starring Music Group T.V.X.Q. to Be Filmed Friday 13 January 2006 | |||||
Such wondrous news to know that they're branching out successfully to drama......
Cos they five of them have such potential, since their debut drama "Vacation" and the Korean Banjuns they've done for TV...
Banjun Theater
In 2005 and 2006, TVXQ released Banjun Theater, which aired on Korean television station SBS, that featured the boys as budding actors. They have acted in their own one- or two-episode dramas titled:
- First Love (Parts 1 and 2) -> U-Know & Micky
- The Masked Fencer -> U-Know & Micky
- The King's Men -> U-Know & Micky as leads
- Yunho's Tokyo Holiday -> U-Know as lead
- Dangerous Love -> Jaejoong & U-Know, Xiah & Max as leads
- Finding Lost Time -> Micky as lead
- Uninvited Guest ->TVXQ
- The Most Unforgettable Girl in My Life -> Jaejoong, Xiah, Max & Micky as leads
Theatrical Drama
VACATION consisted of four episodes and a special: Cassiopeia (U-KNOW), Beautiful Life (Xiah and Max), The Way U Are (Jaejoong) and Eternal (Micky), which were first shown at Yonsei University from July 7 to August 8, 2006, and were later released on the third (C) version of their third album "O"-正.反.合. as a separate DVD. For this drama, the band recorded an original soundtrack which consisted of two tracks and their instrumental versions.
Dating on earth
Dating on earth involves all five members, but only Micky and Jaejoong are main characters. The drama has Micky married to a high school teacher, who Jaejoong falls in love with. U-Know, Max, and Xiah play minor roles. Although filming has been completed, the drama currently has no release date.
TV Variety Drama (MBC's Golden Fish)Jaejoong and Micky did a short acting skit for MBC's Golden Fish, a variety programme in Korea. And it was hilarious....
U can watch it here:
Part 1 Start of the programme...
Part 2 Jaejoong kanna slapped... Jaejoong & Micky goes topless to vie for the girl... The mosaic man is sooo funny....
Part 3 Micky serenades the girl... Jaejoongie carries the girl!!! Jaejoongie & Micky duels over the girl...
Part 4 Jaejoongie's "My Lovely Samsoon" scene...
Part 5 Jaejoongie imitates some people...
Part 6 End of programme...
But this news is dated early last year when "Princess Hours" was released...
How come there's no news yet?
Or is TVXQ's schedule too tight to accommodate for filming?
I wonder when will Jaejoongie and Micky's new drama series "Dating on Earth" be shown...
So looking forward to seeing them act again...
They are so daring when it comes to acting... No demeaning character can shy them away...
Ha ha....
Will never forget Jaejoong's Korean Ah Beng character in "The Way U Are"...
Complete with hair band, hand pouch, gaudy floral shirt and tight white pants...
Ha ha ha...
*grasps aching stomach*
Ha ha ha ha ha ha...
Can't stop laughing when I think of that scene...
Same Old
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Which tvxq\dbsk\dbsg member are u meant to be with?
You were meant to be with...
Hero Jaejoong^^
He's the Pretty Mommy of the group coz he can cook^^
Take this quiz!
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DBSG Couple
DBSG Couple
Yah! Congratulation!!
Your couple match is Jaejoong!!! >.
Ahh you're so lucky cuz he is a very very good guy!
He so cute, and to be a very very good couple, trust him!!!
Which Dong Bang Shin Gi member is for you?
Which Dong Bang Shin Gi member is for you?
Kim Jaejoong!
you got the guy with the muscles.
*drools*lucky butt!
Take this quiz!
your DBSG man is...
your DBSG man is...
you're very lucky to have him by your side. just remember keep your eyes wide open he might be stolen by some crazy chick...
he's a hot stuff you know.
Take this quiz!
which tvxq member is for YOU?
the shyest, prettiest(?) guy in tvxq. he has the looks, the body, and the absurdness that will just, make your day happy. he loves fashion and singing, but that wont stop him from loving you!*congratulations~*
Take this quiz!
Who in TVXQ would you most likely date?
real name : Kim Jaejoong
dob : january 26th, 1986
zodiac : Aquarius
blood type : O
height : 5'8" (178cm)
wieght : 139lbs (63kg)
hobbies : cooking, singing, video games, listening to music
Take this quiz!
Who's Your DBSK\ TVXQ Guy?
Who's Your DBSK\ TVXQ Guy?
(5 Results, Updated! 2007)
You Got Jaejoong:
The lead singer and pretty boy of the group. He's a joker, but an honest one. He can cook 15 types of dishes and has 8 older sisters. Maybe, that's why he's so pretty (^__^).
Oh yeah, he doesn't like to be call pretty too.
Take this quiz!
which tvxq song matches you?
Show me Your love is your answer!!
You're sort of shy, and quiet when you want to be. You don't like to do things yourself so you think teamwork is a good oppurtunity to get along. You love anything that matches with white and pink. You also like to share your love with other people.
Take this quiz!
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Monday, April 16, 2007
Are you a good person?
Are you a good person?
Some may take advantage of you though, so try to assert yourself more, you opinion does matter.
Go on SAVING THE WORLD! <333 target="quizilla" style="color: rgb(0, 0, 0);" href="http://quizilla.com/redirect.php?statsid=17&url=http://www.quizilla.com/users/ilovemagic543/quizzes/Are+you+a+good+person%3F">quiz!