Xiahki = white samoyed (Junsu's)
Harang = black & white alaskan malamute (Yoochun's)
Hoki = golden labrador retriever (Junsu's bro Junho's)
it's yoochun & junsu with their puppies! yoochun's new puppy is the black & white alaskan malamute (harang - short for heaven-sent love. ("haneul" is heaven & "sarang" is love in korean)) and junsu's is the white samoyed (sha-ki - short for raised-by-sha ("sha" is xiah pronounced fast, junsu's nickname, like "cho" for yoochun.)). the browish puppy (hoki) is junsu's brother, junho's.
- 2/14/08 vid from www.cyworld.com/tvxqdog
short summary:
YC: harang~
JS: i think it can pull a sled, too.^^
YC: you have to go home now, right?
Trainer: no, we stay at the dorms here.
YC: oh, really? then let's sleep here, too...
JS: we're gonna sleep where?
YC: here...^^ [so cute!]
JS: could someone get a tent? [aw...]
Friend: we could sleep in the car.^^
YC: harang! harang!
Friend: he's so excited, too!
JS: hoki needs to be like that, too.
YC: where will they sleep?
Trainer: each will have its own place. they sleep separately.
Friend: sha-ki must overwhelm hoki a bit.
Trainer2: they play like this a lot. and hoki doesn't like to lose.^^
omg, it's so awesome that the puppies are taken care of by professionals, when dbsk are in japan.
the puppies are so cute!!!
and yoochun and junsu look so happy. and so hot, too!
the vid and the dog breed info are from the cyworld.com/tvxqdog site.^^
well their dogs...
junsu's Xiahki is SOOOO HUGE!!!
n yoochun's new dog Harang...
they remind me of e 2 huskies that towered over me when i was sun-tanning on e beach in Sentosa...
i sat up when i saw them running over, but they stood over my legs n stared at me...
ha ha...
kinda scary now that i think back...
could have got bitten!!!
golden retrievers (like Hoki) r still ok with me...
they juz like to play...
cos 2 came over earlier same day i was suntanning, n did e same thing, but they were trying to lick my face!!!
ha ha ha...
wat a VAST difference...
キット m(~_~)m
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