As the title says... 私の東方神起... My Tohoshinki/THSK/ Tong Vfang Xien Qi/TVXQ/ Dong Bang Shin Ki/DBSK/ Dong Bang Shin Gi/DBSG/ 동방신기... This is where I keep all my fave band's stuff, or goodies as fellow Cassiopeians/ 仙后们 will call them... Enjoy...
omg... how brilliant... the colors and the themes kinda gel REALLY well with the guys' personalities don't u think???
PINK: yunho is a HUGE fan of Jeong Jihyun... so of cos he'd be shy if he's on a date with her... so in comes thoughtful junsu to e rescue...
WHITE: changmin is oredi tagged as the soul fighter... so such a boxing scene suits him... yoochun as the jealous lover is quite suitable too since he did act in banjun drama before where he was in e boxing ring... n oso TWICE as a jealous lover vying for a girl's heart with jaejoong...
BLUE: jaejoong as e moody ballad lovesick, lovelorn, heart-broken guy... makes all jaejoong fans wanna go hug him in their arms and console him... another perfect match... n WHO can NOT notice the scenes with him lying on e bed... and of cos... e halfway unzipped top...
RED: i think this version is fanmade... cos samsung won't make something so morbid... it's not very politically correct... to have our dear jaejoong committing suicide over jeong jihyun!!! cassiopieas will go MAD!!!
simply said... this song is not easy to perform live... but they did their best... changmin was struggling a bit with the high falsetto part... but i love jaejoong and junsu's voices... (^^,)
東方神起は、2004年2月に韓国でデビューした男性グループで、メンバーはJEJUNG(ジェジュン)、CHANGMIN(チャンミン)、 JUNSU(ジュンス)、YUNHO(ユンホ)、YUCHUN(ユチョン)の5人。2005年4月にシングル「Stay With Me Tonight」で日本デビュー。これまでシングルは来日記念シングルを含む計24作、アルバムは計4作をリリースしている。
TRANSLATION: basically what this article says is that...
The group released its 23rd single, ""Why Did I Fall In Love With You? (どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?) " on July 27, 2008. It sold 78,000 copies in the first week, thus getting the number one ranking in the Oricon single chart. Currently, TVXQ has 3 number one singles, they are the 1st non-Japanese artist in history to hold this record.
This year, TVXQ clinched 3 Number one's with their singles "Purple Line" on Jan 28, "Beautiful you/千年恋歌" on May 5, and "どうして君を好きになってしまったんだろう?" on July 28. With 3 Number one singles, TVXQ is ranked the first amongst other non-Japanese artists who have Number one singles. The previous record holder Taiwanese artist Ouyang Fei Fei had only 2 Number one singles "雨の御堂筋" (1971 and 1972) and "ラヴ・イズ・オーヴァー"(1984), 24 years and 8 months ago.
TVXQ debutted in Feb 2004 in Korea as a male group, the 5 members are Jaejoong, Changmin, Junsu, Yunho and Yoochun. In April 2005, their single "Stay with me tonight" debutted in Japan. Up till now, they have already released 24 singles (including collaborative singles), and 4 albums.
Ranking of Non-Japanese artists with Number one Singles Rank: 1 Number of Number 1 singles: 3 Artist: TVXQ (Korea)
Rank: 2 Number of Number 1 singles: 2 Artist: Ouyang Fei Fei (Taiwan)
Rank: 3 Number of Number 1 singles: 1 Artist: Bee Gees, Simon and Garfunkel, Mary Hopkin, Jerry Wallace, Mashmakhan, Hedva and David, The New Seekers, Daniel Boone, Nolans, Irene Cara, Celine Dion with Kryler and Kompany, Elton John, Boa
Source: Oricon
can you believe they won over Boa, Bee Gees, Celine Dion, Elton John???!!! no wonder they spend so much time in Japan...
SM Entertainment says five-member group TVXQ attracted some 390,000 audience members during their 16-month tour around Asia.
TVXQ's Asian tour began in February, 2007, after it swept the 2006 year-end awards ceremony in 2006. Over the 16-month period, the group performed in six Asian cities including Seoul, Taipei, Bangkok, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai and Beijing, attracting a total of 390,000 audience members along the way.
TVXQ was the subject of much talk throughout the concert period. One website crashed after 300,000 fans rushed onto the site to reserve tickets, TVXQ set the record for being the number one foreign artist to attract the largest number of audience members two years in a row, and 125 stores at a Thai department store were forced to close down temporarily after 15,000 fans and reporters flocked to the venue of the press conference.
In October last year, one of the scheduled concerts in Taiwan was canceled due to a typhoon, and the group members returned to Taiwan earlier this year in May to keep their promise to their fans.
TVXQ plans to release a brand new album in Korea in the Fall.
波打ち際を歩く 君をずっと見つめていた Namiuchigiwa wo aruku kimi wo zutto mitsumeteita Walking on the beach I’m looking at you the entire time
遠くから ねえ笑って ちょっと似てる誰かに Tooku kara nee waratte chotto niteru dareka ni From faraway, your smile resembles someone a little
last summer そうあの日 愛し始めていたよ Last summer sou ano hi aishi hajimeteita yo last summer, it seem like on that day love had begun
you have a boyfriend 知ってても 視線が離せないままで You have a boyfriend shittete mo shisen ga hanasenai mama de You have a boyfriend I know, I haven’t stop looking, up until now
そんなふうに感じ合って きっと君も同じで Sonna fuu ni kanjiatte kitto kimi mo onaji de like that, my feelings are the same as yours truly
もう少し信じたい この夏 Mou sukoshi shinjitai kono natsu just a little, I want to believe, this summer
※君がそばにいるなら 何もいらないmy love Kimi ga soba ni iru nara nani mo iranai my love *If I go to you, (You) don’t need anything my love
探してた僕のtreasure Sagashiteta boku no treasure searching for my treasure
box in the ship 揺れながら※ Box in the ship yurenagara box in the ship while (the ship is) swaying
oh-e-oh-e-oh e-oh-e-oh box in the ship
雨が急に降り出して 傘もなく濡れる肩を Ame ga kyuu ni furidashite kasa mo naku nureru kata wo When it suddenly begins to rain, the umbrella and my shoulders gets wet
どうしようもないくらいに そっと抱きしめていた Doushiyou mo nai kurai ni sotto dakishimeteita It can’t be help, in the dark, I secretly embrace you
もう何も言わないで このまま Mou nani mo iwanai de kono mama There’s nothing to say as it is
君と生きるためなら すべて叶えるyour dream Kimi to ikiru tame nara subete kanaeru your dream **If I’m with you, I will grant all your wishes your dream
ただひとつだけのtreasure Tada hitotsu dake no treasure there’s only one treasure
box in the ship 消えないで Box in the ship kienai de box in the ship it won’t disappear
oh-e-oh-e-oh e-oh-e-oh box in the ship
漂う夏の中で 見つけた宝物 Tadayou natsu no naka de mitsuketa takara mono Drifting in the summer I found my treasure
君がそばにいるなら 何もいらないmy love Kimi ga soba ni iru nara nani mo iranai my love *If I go to you, (You) don’t need anything my love (baby my everlasting love)
探してた僕のtreasure Sagashiteta boku no treasure searching for my treasure
box in the ship 揺れながら Box in the ship yurenagara box in the ship while (the ship is) swaying
君と生きるためなら すべて叶えるyour dream Kimi to ikiru tame nara subete kanaeru your dream **If I’m with you (yea~), I will grant all your wishes your dream (baby my summer for your dream)
ただひとつだけのtreasure Tada hitotsu dake no treasure there’s only one treasure (yea~)
box in the ship 消えないで Box in the ship kienai de box in the ship it won’t disappear (yea~)
e story is simply put... the love of my life is getting married... but... the groom is not me...
TVXQ Version
basically this has the drama version with shots of the guys added inside...
Lyrics (Japanese/romanised/translated): どうして…君を好きになってしまったんだろう? Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou? Why have I fallen for you?
どんなに時が流れても君はずっと Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto No matter how much time passes,
ここにいると 思ってたのに Koko ni iru to, omotteta no ni I thought that you would always be here
でも君が選んだのは違う道 Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi But you chose a different road
どうして…君に何も伝えられなかったんだろう? Doushite kimi ni nani mo tsutaerarenakattan darou? Why wasn't I able to convey to you?
毎日毎晩募ってく想い Mainichi maiban tsunotteku omoi My feelings that were growing everyday and night
溢れ出す言葉 解ってたのに(もう届かない) Afuredasu kotoba, wakatteta no ni (mou todokanai) The words begin to overflow, But I know they won't reach you now
初めて出会ったその日から 君を知っていた気がしたんだ Hajimete deatta, sono hi kara, Kimi wo shitteita ki ga shitan da From the first day that I met you, I felt like I knew you
あまりに自然に溶け込んでしまったふたり Amari ni shizen ni tokende shimatta futari And the two of us melded together so naturally
何処へ行くのにも一緒で 君がいることが当然で Doko e iku no ni mo issho de, Kimi ga iru koto ga touzen de Wherever we would go, it would be together, It was so natural for you to be with me
僕らはふたりで大人になってきた Bokura wa futari de otona ni natte kita We became adults together
でも君が選んだのは違う道 Demo kimi ga eranda no wa chigau michi But you chose a different road
どうして…君を好きになってしまったんだろう? Doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou? Why have I fallen for you?
どんなに時が流れても君はずっと Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto No matter how much time passes,
ここにいると 思ってたのに(もう叶わない) Koko ni iru to, omotteta no ni (mou kanawanai) I thought that you would always be here (but not anymore)
特別な意味を持つ今日を 幸せがあふれ出す今日を Tokubetsu na imi wo motsu kyou wo Shiawase kao de tatsu kyou wo Today, the day that holds a special meaning, The day that you stood with a smile of happiness
綺麗な姿で神様に誓ってる君を Kirei na sugata de kami sama ni chikatteru, kimi wo Making a wish to God in your beautiful appearance
僕じゃない人の隣で 祝福されてる姿を Boku ja nai hito no tonari de Shukufuku sareteru sugata wo With the person next to you who isn't me, The figure of you receiving blessings
僕はどうやって見送ればいいのだろう? Boku wa dou yatte miokureba ii no darou? How could I just stand aside and watch
もうどうして…君を好きになってしまったんだろう? Mou doushite kimi wo suki ni natte shimattan darou? So why have I fallen for you?
あの頃の僕らの事を(もう戻れない) Ano koro mo, bokura no koto (mou moderenai) We can't go back to that time, or how we were (I've thought it through)
考えた…(もう戻らない)考えた… kangaeta (modorenai) kangaeta
どうして…君の手を掴み奪えなかったんだろう? Doushite kimi no te wo tsukami ubaenakattan darou? Why wasn't I able to take your hand?
どんなに時が流れても君はずっと Donna ni toki ga nagaretemo kimi wa zutto No matter how much time passes
僕の横にいるはずだった(もう叶わない) Boku no yoko ni, iru hazu datta (sono mama nii) You always should've been by my side, Now it will never come true
それでも…君が僕のそば 離れていっても Sore demo kimi ga boku no soba nara to itte mo But, even though I say that I need you close to me
永遠に君が幸せであること ただ願ってる Eien ni kimi ga shiawase de iru koto Tada negatteru I just pray that you will be happy forever
(例えそれがどんなに寂しくても) Tatoe sore ga donna ni sabishikutemo No matter how lonely that makes me
SM Entertainment Singers to Hold Joint Concert on August 15
Popular artists at SM Entertainment, including TVXQ and Super Junior, will take part in the "SM Town Live 08" concert to be held at the Jamsil Olympic Main Stadium on August 15.
According to SM Entertainment, the concert will last for five hours starting at 5:00 p.m and that the same concert will also be held in Beijing, Shanghai and Bangkok.
Other SM artists who will perform at the concert include The Grace, Girls' Generation, Zhang Liyin and Shinee. Online ticket sales will begin on July 15 at 8:00 p.m. at
The date and venue of the SM Town concert coincides with the date of Seo Taiji's comeback concert, which will also be held on August 15th at the Jamsil Stadium with numerous renowned American and Japanese rock musicians performing for Seo Taiji's fans.
Source: KBS Global
omo... SM is soooo unfair!!!! aren't we asians too??? how come they are neglecting south east asia??? and only going to china and thailand???
TVXQ Named Asian Envoys for Universal Studios Japan
Popular boy band TVXQ has been named Asian envoys for Universal Studios Japan (USJ).
According to USJ, it has decided to designate TVXQ, which debuted in Korea in 2004, in Japan in 2005 and went on to debut in Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand, as its Asian envoys.
The appointment ceremony will take place on March 28 at the Universal Studios Japan located near Osaka. Once appointed, TVXQ will travel around Asia for a year to promote the attractions of USJ.
A USJ publicist said TVXQ was chosen for their international appeal, as they can speak both English and Japanese. The publicist also said that considering 70% of USJ visitors are female, it has high expectations that the popular boy band will lure many tourists from all over Asia.
Source: KBS Global
Event: 60th Anniversary KBS Music Festival Date & Time: 17 July 2008; 8pm - 9.30pm Celebrities attending:TVXQ, Jewellery, Big Mama, Song Dae Gwuan, Jang Yoon Jung and so on.
gosh can't fathom how he always manages to look so effortlessly good even when he looks so tired... look at my poor joongie's eyes... gosh he looks seriously tired... eyes all sunken and eye bags or dark eye circles... *having a heartache now* (~.~)***
i think the woman must be in heaven... squashed in between jaejoong and yoochun... but i'd wanna be the president instead... so jaejoong would be facing me... and not yoochun... and most of all... THE PRESIDENT'S HAND IS LIKE ON JAEJOONG'S HAND!!!!! the rest all had theirs side by side... BUT... i must REALLY salute jaejoong, he ALWAYS knows where to stand to get the best and most camera shots... apart from the fact that he usually stands at the centre...
but they sure look good at the performance... even though i dun think they sang live... sm usually dun let them sing fast numbers live... only slow songs r live... i believe they performed "Yeo Haeng Gi" first then "Purple Line"... wonderful... i REALLY envy the koreans cos they get to watch them live free... even if its only 2 songs...
i love the way Jaejoong's voice goes in this song... like a roller coaster up and down... i know it's not easy to sing like that.... kudos my dear... hee hee... even though its not a ballad.... it's nice and happy.... this song makes me feel happy... n wanna stand up and start dancing, swaying side to side... perfect song for spending a vacation with Joongie in Bora Bora... can imagine e rest going "oh eh oh eh oh..." in the background as we dance on the beach at night... ha ha ha... (^^,)v