how brilliant...
the colors and the themes kinda gel REALLY well with the guys' personalities don't u think???
yunho is a HUGE fan of Jeong Jihyun... so of cos he'd be shy if he's on a date with her...
so in comes thoughtful junsu to e rescue...
changmin is oredi tagged as the soul fighter... so such a boxing scene suits him...
yoochun as the jealous lover is quite suitable too since he did act in banjun drama before where he was in e boxing ring... n oso TWICE as a jealous lover vying for a girl's heart with jaejoong...
jaejoong as e moody ballad lovesick, lovelorn, heart-broken guy...
makes all jaejoong fans wanna go hug him in their arms and console him...
another perfect match...
n WHO can NOT notice the scenes with him lying on e bed... and of cos...
e halfway unzipped top...
i think this version is fanmade...
cos samsung won't make something so morbid...
it's not very politically correct...
to have our dear jaejoong committing suicide over jeong jihyun!!!
cassiopieas will go MAD!!!
キット (^^,)v

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