DBSK We Love You - 1년 7개월동안 그들이 참아왔던 말
-Eng Trans creditz:kroongho@livejournal
-Subbed & Encoded by me
god i was MORE than tear-eyed...
i was crying non-stop from the line "so there were STILL ppl who liked tvxq..."
i was feeling at least for e cassies in korea,
they noe they will always go back to korea,
cos it's where their home is...
for the other cassies, non-japanese, it's MUCH harder for us...
cos we never noe when we'd ever see them at all...
e feeling is like waiting for someone that u noe will never come...
n all we have is their music n videos to think of them by...
n hoping that they will noe how much we love them for being themselves...
i love u, tvxq...
thank you for inspiring me to dream bigger dreams....
as dreams do come true if u work hard enuf n preserver long enuf....
キット (^^,)v

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