Everytime Everyday ima daremo ga Survivor
Everytime, everyday everybody now is a survivor
Looking for Everywhere この事態に Don't give up
Looking for Everywhere kono jitai ni Don't give up
Looking for everywhere in this case, don't give up
Koko kara tachi agatte hikari sagashite
Standing up from here searching for the light
チャンスに変えよう 一緒に Let's try
Chance ni kaeyou isshoni Let's try
Together we have a chance to change, so let's try
Oh baby let's try!
心に One Smile 見つけたら Shine on me
Kokoro ni One smile mitsuketara Shine on me
With one smile you find a heart, Shine on me
Two Smile 重ねたら Shine on me
Two smile kasanetara Shine on me
Two Smiles that we can join, Shine on me
世界が輝くように Smile Smile
Sekai ga kagayaku youni Smile Smile
Shine like the world does Smile, Smile
生き抜く Survivor
Iki nuku Survivor
Survive, Survivor!
君がいれば回り道でも Not so bad
Kimi ga ireba mawari michi demo not so bad
Even if you're going on a u-turn, it's not so bad
忘れかけた大切なもの Remember
wasurekaketa taisetsuna mono remember
remember something important
hitori dewa dekinai koto demo
Being alone is too hard
気持ちを合わせて始めれば We can
kimochi wo awasete hajimereba we can
We can unite our feelings to begin
Oh baby we can!
どこかに One Dream いつの日か Still on
dokoka ni one dream itsu no hi ka still on
Somewhere there's One Dream with the main aim to Still (going) on
Two Dream 動き出す Brand new world
two dream ugokidasu brand new world
Two Dreams for a Brand new world
誰かを愛するように Dream Dream
dareka wo aisuru youni dream dream
and someone to love Dream Dream
Let's hug
心に One Love 明日なら So easy
kokoro ni one love ashita nara so easy
With One Love Tomorrow can be So easy
Two Love 繋いだら Be happy
two love tsunaidara be happy
Two Love(s) that we can join to Be happy
自分を信じるように Love Love
jibun wo shinjiru youni love love
believe in yourself Love Love
生き抜く Survivor
iki nuku survivor
Survive, Survivor
誰もが Survivor
daremo ga survivor
Everyone is a Survivor
共に行く Survivor
tomo ni yuku survivor
Together we are Survivors
Smile and dream now
Everybody Everybody night
心に One Smile 見つけたら Shine on me
kokoro ni one smile mitsuketara shine on me
With One Smile you find a heart Shine on me
Two Smile 重ねたら
two smile kasanetara
Two Smiles that we can join,
世界が輝くように Smile Smile
sekai ga kagayaku youni smile smile
Shine like the world does Smile, Smile
dakishimete ikiyou
Let’s hug
心に One Love 明日なら So easy
kokoro ni one love ashita nara so easy
With One Love Tomorrow can be So easy
Two Love 繋いだら Be happy
two love tsunaidara be happy
Two Love(s) that we can join to Be happy
自分を信じるように Love Love
jibun wo shinjiru youni love love
believe in yourself Love Love
生き抜く Survivor
iki nuku survivor
Survive, Survivor
Credits: frapbois@DNBN + youtube.com / kenoa83
キット (^^,)v

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