Dream a little I wanna stay with you
Dream a little by your side forever
Kimi wa itsumo boku no kusuribako sa
You have always been my medicine box
Donna fuu ni boku wo iyashitekureru
Everytime I feel sick, you'd always be the cure
笑うそばから ほら その笑顔
Warau soba kara hora sono egao
Laughing beside me, look at that smile
泣いたら やっぱりね 涙するんだね
Naitara yappari ne namida surunda ne
And when you cry, tears really do fall
ありきたりな恋 どうかしてるかな?
Arikitari na koi douka shiteru kana
Why do I feel this way? Is this love?
君を守るため そのために生まれてきたんだ
Kimi wo mamoru tame sono tame ni umaretekitanda
To protect you, is the reason I was born
あきれるほどに そうさ そばにいてあげる
Akireruhodo ni sou sa soba ni iteageru
You may not believe it at but I'll always stay by your side
眠った横顔 震えるこの胸 Lion Heart
Nemutta yokogao furueru kono mune Lion Heart
Watching your sleeping face, in my chest beats a lion heart
Dream a little wanna stay with you
Dream a little by your side forever
いつか もし子供が生まれたら
Itsuka moshi kodomo ga umaretara
Someday if I have a child
Sekai de nibanme ni suki dato hanasou
I'll love him second best in all the world and tell him
Kimi mo yagate kitto meguriau
Someday you'll meet your special someone
君のママに出会った 僕のようにね
Kimi no mama ni deatta boku no you ni ne
Just like I met your mother
見せかけの恋に 嘘かさねた過去
Misekake no koi ni uso kasaneta kako
Your past that had been filled with the lies of false lovers
失ったものは みんなみんな埋めてあげる
Ushinatta mono wa minna minna umeteageru
I'll make up for everything, for everything that you've lost
Kono boku ni ai wo oshietekureta nukumori
Your warmth that gave me love
変わらない朝は 小さいなその胸 Angel Heart
Kawaranai asa wa chiisai na sono mune Angel Heart
This unchanging morning that's because of you, angel heart
見せかけの恋に 嘘かさねた過去
Misekake no koi ni uso kasaneta kako
Your past that had been filled with the lies of false lovers
失ったものは みんなみんな埋めてあげる
Ushinatta mono wa minna minna umeteageru
I'll make up for everything, for everything that you've lost
Kono boku ni ai wo oshietekureta nukumori
Your warmth that gave me love
君を守るため そのために生まれてきたんだ
Kimi wo mamoru tame sono tame ni umaretekitanda
To protect you, is the reason why I was born
あきれるほどに そうさ そばにいてあげる
Akireruhodo ni sou sa soba ni iteageru
You may not believe it at but I'll always stay by your side
眠った横顔 震えるこの胸 Lion Heart
Nemutta yokogao furueru kono mune Lion Heart
Watching your sleeping face, in my chest beats a lion heart
Dream a little I wanna stay with you
Dream a little by your side forever
Dream a little wanna stay with you
omg i LOVE this song from SMAP when i was younger...
and they sang it to PERFECTION...
all their voices combined...
makes LION HEART soooo much MORE touching...
goosebumps r spreading through my ENTIRE BODY as i listen to it...
1 note...
they seem to love the artists n songs that i used to love when i was younger...
despite them being 6 or more years younger than me...
parts of lyrics i love...
You have always been my medicine box
Everytime I feel sick, you'd always be the cure
いつか もし子供が生まれたら
Someday if I have a child
I'll love him second best in all the world and tell him
[connotation: becoz I love your mum the most in the world...]
Someday you'll meet your special someone
君のママに出会った 僕のようにね
Just like I met your mother
君を守るため そのために生まれてきたんだ
To protect you, is the reason I was born
あきれるほどに そうさ そばにいてあげる
You may not believe it at but I'll always stay by your side
眠った横顔 震えるこの胸 Lion Heart
Watching your sleeping face, in my chest beats a lion heart
[connotation: Lion Heart becoz your love makes me anxious and gives me courage at the same time...]
totally sweet...
imagine the scenario with them telling their sons and daughters that they love them 2nd best in the world, cos they love their wives the most the world...
キット (^^,)v
언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
My music is my life
For you, for your smile...
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