JJ March Issue – Jaejoong’s Part
I have nothing special to do. I just want us to walk on the street together.
“All of sudden, I should win the rock-paper-scissors 100% (against his girl)!”
“It’s nothing actually, but I’ll say that it’s great, (because) winning the rock-paper-scissors = your wish will be granted.”
“And my wish, she should be able to read it by herself!” (laugh)
“Is it a very romantic Valentine’s Day date or… no special plan at all.”
“Valentine (for me) is just receiving chocolate, and then walking together, wandering on the street.”
“Ever since I love shopping, it will be fun if we go shopping together, choosing clothes for each other.”
“Then after doing so, we can just leisurely walk the distance just like a little child.”
“However, because it’s difficult (to realize such kind of date), I think none of my date will turn to be like this.”
Jaejoong is known with his high-reputation in fashion sense among his fans.
When he gets a day off, he will shop hard.
He really gives a positive impression of a modern boy! (T/N: I think it’s more to metrosexual boy)
However, when he got his solo shoot, he kept asking “how to hold this love letter so that it will look good?” surprisingly looked very shy.
For an addition, this man has a cooking skill too! He’s in charge of cooking at home, for all the members.
He loves to watch them eating.
JJ March Issue – Yoochun’s Part
It’s nice to see her surprised face. I want to give her a chocolate.
Usually a surprise is always loved.
“Eventhough Valentine is a day when boys get chocolate from girls, but I really want to hang a lot of chocolate on a tree in a park to give her a surprise surprise!”
“I really want to see her surprised/happy face, by that I can be very glad as well.”
“Then it’s alright to send her a normal meal, I think it’s enough.”
“Valentine or Christmas, both are important. The most important thing is to spend them in great mood as a special day for both of us, and I want to make her feeling lot happier. Thus I want to make a perfect surprise.”
“The plan… is secret”
“(By doing a surprise for her) I would like to then cherish the day together with her with strong feeling in the future.”
In Korea, the 5 members of TVXQ were used to live together.
But last year, it’s said that Yoochun had moved to a different place.
The reason is “The family who was in U.S finally came back to Korea, so I bought a house for us to live together.”
He’s a kind who cherishes his family more than anything, but also appreciates more to the relationship with other members and fans.
Regarding this, Yoochun said, “My girl should be a very nice person (so that she can respects his family and other members also).”
As the composer of “Kiss The Baby Sky” which was released on January 21st, and also is responsible as the arranger, he really shows a great talent.
JJ March Issue – Junsu’s Part
At a restaurant, seeing the night view. A simple yet happy date.
When being asked “10 years later, which year’s memory is so far considered as the best memory?”, all members simultaneously answered, “2008!” with no doubt.
“In last year, everyday we’d been working so hard, being grown up, and since we went through each day with pressure, I really want to spend days with someone whom I love in usual/relaxing ways. Such as going to a restaurant without worrying to be noticed by people, eating delicious food in a place where we can view illuminations.”
“It’s nothing but just a date ‘to-do-with-happiness’.
I really want to spend days in good time like this with my gf.
If the time is enough, I also want to go to the sea… resting under the palm trees.
Do nothing but quiet… But I think it would take a lifetime to each moment (laughs)
There’s a WHO part, telling about the characteristic of the member being interviewed. I don’t really get the exact trans (no time to re-check other trans engine), so maybe just a rough one:
Junsu is the mood maker of TVXQ. He can sing all of sudden during a shooting, and can’t stop his face from smiling.
He’s very polite, always appreciate the staffs, and says “thank you” to his manager.
Behind his cute face, there’s a deep feeling of a sweet boy hidden.
JJ March Issue – Changmin’s Part
It’s still cold at the sea in two last month in winter, thus I will make sure there will be just the two of us.
“I want to go to a date by driving my own car.”
“Eventhough it’s still cold, I really want to go to the sea!”
“The 2 last months in winter, going to the sea with my beloved one. Unlike in summer, sea looks so calm at that time, thus we can relax and be happy more.”
“Just like in Japan, in Korea girls give chocolate in Valentine’s day. When the chocolate is a handmade one, I think it will be much better.”
“I like to think how hard her effort to give chocolate to me, and that makes me happy. How she shops for the chocolate (ingredients), thinking what shape of the chocolate should she makes, I think that’s kind of way to show that she loves me, and I’m sure that’s enough.”
Thus, along with the mood of winter, I want to say thank you to her at the sea.
“As for being alone (alone in case without any family) in a foreign country like Japan. Occasionally I become lonely and being congested.
But because there are the other members, the five of us, we’re able to work in one thought.”
The existence of the other members is everything for Changmin.
He’s also recently taking charge in writing lyrics, thus to make a realistic concept for the lyrics, he said that he wrote diary everynight.
Not only handsome, Changmin is known for his efforts/hardwork. Thus, he’s a kind of whom women think as an ideal boyfriend.
JJ March Issue – Yunho’s Part
In the return of her chocolate, I want to sing her a song
My Valentine’s day’s date is very very simple.
If I can spend that day with person whom I love, it’s already good enough.
I won’t ask anything from the girl I loved, if the two of you can be together in one day, it’s just perfect.
If I have time, I want to write her a song. For example, as the return for her chocolate, I will write a song that is sung only for her. I will sing in a capella, and if suddenly she asked “Why is no music?” I will answered, “Because it’s sung only for you.”
Because I love to give something to people, if a woman asked me to do something, if I can do it, then I will do.
“Instead of doing solo, it will be better if I can grow up together as Tohoshinki.” Yunho said.
In fact, when Jaejoong was shy at shooting time, he would talked first to him, and when the other members were too noisy, he would said “Please quiet!” … or just calling the others’ attention naturally.
Yunho is a kind of leader that will makes us saying “I will follow you!”
“I want to do more and more busier work!” he said in such passionate. He’s maybe a kind of husband in dream.
source: beyondyuchun tokyo + dnbn
jap-kor trans: Tami
kor-english trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
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그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
My music is my life
For you, for your smile...
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