93. T-ara Boram
92. After School Bekah
91. 4Minute Gayoon
90. After School Jnnga
89. T-ara Qri
88. T-ara Soyeon
87. 4Minute Jiyoon
86. T-ara Jiyeon
85. 2AM Changmin
84. T-ara Hyomin
83. 4Minute Jihyun
82. 4Minute Sohyun
81. T-ara Eunjung
80. After School Uee
79. 2AM Jokwon
78. 2AM Seulong
77. 2AM Jinwoon
76. 2PM Changsung
75. After School Soyoung
74. CSJH Sunday
73. 2NE1 Minji
72. CSJH Linna
71. KARA Jiyoung
70. 2PM Taekyeon
69. 2PM Junsu
68. KARA Hara
67. 2NE1 CL
66. FT Island Seunghyun
65. SHINee Key
64. KARA Nicole
63. KARA Gyuri
62. SHINee Minho
61. 2PM Nikhun
60. 2PM Junho
59. 2NE1 Dara
58. SHINee Onew
57. 2PM Wooyoung
56. 2NE1 Bom
55. SHINee Jonghyun
54. CSJH Stephanie
53. 4Minute Hyuna
52. 2PM Jaebom
51. SNSD Hyoyeon
50. Wonder Girls Yoobin
49. FT Island Jonghun
48. After School Gahee
47. FT Island Jaejin
46. SNSD Sooyoung
45. Wonder Girls Yeeun
44. SS501 Jungmin
43. Super Junior Shindong
42. SHINee Taemin
41. BIGBANG Taeyang
40. Wonder Girls Sunmi
39. SS501 Jungmin
38. Wonder Girls Sunye
37. FT ISLAND Minhwan
36. Super Junior Yesung
35. SNSD Sunny
34. SS501 KyuJong
33. SNSD Yuri
32. Super Junior Kyuhyun
31. KARA Seungyeon
30. Super Junior Hangeng
29. BIGBANG Daesung
28. SNSD Seohyun
27. Super Junior Ryeowook
26. CSJH Dana
25. Super Junior Siwon
24. Super Junior Kibum
22. FT ISLAND Hongki
21. After School Jooyeon
20. SNSD Jessica
19. BIGBANG Seungri
18. Super Junior Leeteuk
17. Super Junior Kangin
16. Super Junior Sungmin
15. SS501 HyunJoong
14. SS501 Youngsaeng
13. SNSD Tiffany
12. Super Junior Donghae
11. Super Junior Eunhyuk
10. Wonder Girls Sohee
9. Super Junior Heechul
8. SNSD Yoona
7. BIGBANG G-Dragon
6. SNSD Taeyeon
5. TVXQ Changmin
4. TVXQ Yunho
3. TVXQ Jaejoong [my jagiya!!! u'll ALWAYS be No. 1 in my heart!!!]
2. TVXQ Yoochun
1. TVXQ Junsu
Our boys are just so popular, aren't they? Talk about total domination. ;)
Credit: DEK-D, W//เด็กเกาะ//
Source : sfinee
Shared by: DBSKnights + CASSIOPEIA ROYAL
i'm kinda amazed that Yunho and Yoochun are not topping the chart...
cos they seemed to be Koreans' faves...
but Jaejoong at No. 3 is not bad...
he's kept in the middle of the group...
like ALWAYS...
just a side-track...
the chart listing is kinda like how they always stand isn't it?
so coincidental...
キット (^^,)v
언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
My music is my life
For you, for your smile...
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