*boy his sisters all look the same and they r all beautiful... he looked so shy when his sis (the bride) kissed him on his cheek... and he's so cheeky he pretended to pinch her cheeks too...
he's so polite to the man beside him who wanted to take a pic with him... hee hee... i spot his dad standing in front of him...
but can i ask why are they taking SO LONG to arrange the people to take a group photo??? my dear joongie is stuck there with a strange man beside him!!! he looks a bit bored and completely trapped to me!!!
{AUD RIP} JAESU - To My Bride (신부에게)
*Joongie... pls remember to sing on ours too!!! but we only have 4 years left!!! ppali!!! ^_^
Junsu being crowded & stalked in lift...
* poor junsu is squashed in one corner... while the bodyguards are trying to stop fans from filming him non-stop...
Junsu & Yoochun @ the wedding
*seeing them being stalked everywhere they go... it's kinda saddening to see... some fans juz have no sense at all... this is a private event... they shouldn't intrude on their privacy like that... it's REALLY RUDE...
Junsu at sister's wedding of JaeJae - photography with children
*junsu u r too accommodating.... sitting down still... omo...
Men in black - Jaejoong & Junsu with Jaejoong's parents
* is it my ears need some cleaning? or did i hear Jaejoong calling "Yongpil-hyung!!"??? Could it be???? Yim Yongpil? Yoochun's BFF & the guy Junsu is partnering with for his Vietnamese Pho restaurant??!!!
キット (^^,)v
언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
My music is my life
For you, for your smile...
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