As the title says...
My Tohoshinki/THSK/ Tong Vfang Xien Qi/TVXQ/ Dong Bang Shin Ki/DBSK/ Dong Bang Shin Gi/DBSG/ 동방신기...
This is where I keep all my fave band's stuff, or goodies as fellow Cassiopeians/ 仙后们 will call them...

Saturday, January 30, 2010

[NEWS]100128 Triple First Time Ever In 35 Years! JJCaused By TVXQ!!

[TRANS]100128 Triple First Time Ever In 35 Years! JJCaused By TVXQ!!

First Time Ever #1

First time ever, they became a cover of woman’s magazine in JJ's 35 years of history.

First Time Ever #2

First time ever in JJ’s 35 years of history, all TVXQ March 2010 issues are sold out in one single day,
on the first issue day! (Not only it was sold out, but also it was all sold out on the first issue day!)

First Time Ever #3

Then the first time ever in JJ’s 35 years of history, they reprint their monthly magazine,
all because of our TVXQ! Go TVXQ!! Yeah!!

And Yet One More First Time Ever!!

Actually one more here, for the first time ever in their 35 years of history,
JJ editors in chief had to write a formal apology that it was all sold out in one single day!!

[INFO]1001128 Due to TVXQ cover, JJ Sold Out! MSN Entertainment News

Summarized Translation:
*MSN Entertainment News reported that JJ’s editor in chief had placed apology letter on JJ’s home page.
Additional printing will be available at around January 29th.

東方神起の表紙で売り切れ続出 「JJ」3月号が増刷へ

2010年1月28日 17時37分(J-CASTニュース)

  韓国出身のアイドルグループ・東方神起を表紙に起用した光文社の女性ファッション誌「JJ」3月号(1月23日発売)が重版されることがわかった。JJの ウェブサイト内のコンテンツ「ほぼ日刊JJ」に2010年1月25日、編集長の篠原恒木さんが「お詫び」と題した記事を掲載した。それによると、3月号は 発売即日、各地の書店やコンビニエンスストアで品切れになったという。今は増刷を急いでおり、1月29日を目処に再度、店頭に並ぶ見込みだ。

[TRANS]100128 Formal Apology Letter JJ Editor in Chief:

*Here is the formal apology letter of JJ magazine’s editor in chief.


Concerning about JJ March issue;
We are truly sorry that it was all sold out on the day of the publishing,
at the book stores and convenient stores nationwide.

We are very sorry.
We would like to express our deep apology to you all.

We wish to deliver them to, as many people as possible,
therefore, currently, we are reprinting more of them.
We plan to deliver them to the book stores and the convenient stores starting from January 29th.

Once again, we apologies to those of you who could not purchase them on the magazine issue day.
We sincerely ask you to wait for a little while more.

JJ Editor in chief: Shinohara, Tuneki

(T/N: Although they are apologizing, they must be very happy that first time in JJ’s history of 35 years
that they had to place such apology letter by selling printings caused by TVXQ!)

Please find TVXQ cover on their home page.

[INFO]100128 “JJ: Exceptional! At An Issue Day, All Sold Out! It will be reprinted.” Ameba News

Weekly Ameba head line news.

T/N: I receive ameba weekly news mail from Japan.
Ameba has 2,500,000 members and it is one of the biggest social sites in Japan.
When I opened up an e-mail on the 28th, this headline word from Ameba jumped in my eyes.
“JJ: Exceptional! At An Issue Day, All Sold Out! It will be reprinted.”

Exceptional! “JJ” fist issue day, on the same day all sold out!


1月27日 14時03分


 発売前から話題を集めていたが、「社内でも在庫がない状態」(光文社関係者)と即日完売に版元関係者も驚きを隠せない様子だ。相次ぐ完売に一部大型書店 では「JJは完売しました」とPOP(店内広告)を出すなどして対応。そのためヤフーオークションでは、早くも4000円を超えるプレミア価格で取引がさ れている状態だ。



Crazily Sold Out. JJ All Sold out! Reprinted.

And the article writes that even a JJ publisher is in shock. ^^

This is something unheard of in Japan.
So, if we count "sold out" and "on the first issue day" separately.
It is the "First Time Ever in 35 years!" times FIVE (X5) done by TVXQ!
One WOW by each member? WOW WOW WOW WOW WOW's~~~ (IMG:style_emoticons/default/buttrock.gif) (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)
Another splendid accomplishment by our TVXQ! Go for more! TVXQ! (IMG:style_emoticons/default/laugh.gif)

Always Keep The Faith!

Source: As tagged
Translated by:
Shared by: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

~~wooah!!i feel really great..!!


saw this mag at kino and was contemplating if i should buy it cos its like almost S$19 for a mag that i can't even browse to see what the hell is on tvxq!!!

damn i hate the way foreign mags r sold here!!!

they NEVER EVER have a browsing copy!!!

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

[NEWS] 100128 Tohoshinki is Heading towards Having First-Place Single on Oricon for the 7th Time

The 29th single of Korean dance-vocal group Tohoshinki, "BREAK OUT!", sold an approximately 170,000 copies on its first day, and ranked first on Oricon's daily chart on 1/26. While being in the middle of break-up turmoils, this is a good start that is probably going earn them first place on Oricon weekly chart for the 7th time.

The title song "BREAK OUT!", which contains encouraging messages to young people who are trying their best, is the theme song for NHK's drama "Tomehane! Suzuri Koukou Shodoubu". The coupling song is Junsu's solo "XIAHTIC".

Tohoshinki released their single "HUG" in November 2004 to mark their first time coming to Japan, and officially debuted in Japan in April 2005 with their single "Stay With Me Tonight". They first entered the Oricon weekly chart with their 7th single "Sky" (on sale in August 2006), which ranked 6th of that week. They have constantly been on the top 10 of the chart since then. Starting from their 18th single "Purple Line" (on sale in January 2008), they've had 6 singles that rank first on Oricon weekly chart, and are currently holding the record for being the only foreign artist to acquire that achievement.

They are planning to release their first best album "BEST SELECTION 2010" on 2/17.

Source: Oricon News
Translation: linhkawaii @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

[MISC] 100129 Jaejoong's Message to ChunJaeSu's Lawyer

On Jaejoong’s b-day, Korean fans thanked their lawyer, and this was his reply:

the lawyer said that Jaejoong asked him to tell the fans something, but the lawyer didn’t think the time was right. he said

"If its not too late now, I would like to tell everyone."

"Jaejoong said – Everything will be okay as long as the fans will wait for us, when we are in the situation with our company, and before the outcome of what will happen with TVXQ, until the end, if the fans could wait for us then everything will be alright. I will work harder- "

Source: baidutvxq
Shared by:

~~cassies.we are their strength,,
so..we should wait for them ok..?^_^

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

[MISC] Jaejoong & Hyunjoong @ Vancouver Airport (10/01/17)

Glad that he’s relaxing himself over there! :D

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

[NEWS] 100129 Yu Kigoshi's Blog Update: Message from Yunho's Father

2010-01-29 12:05:59

Yunho's father is quite hurt by a certain magazine article

Some of you should know
of an article in a certain magazine concerning Yunho’s father.

When I arrived at my company this morning and turned on my PC, there was an email from Yunho’s father.
Since there was a direct request from him to convey the truth, I would like to write about this matter.

I myself try not to believe in weekly magazine topics.
Of course, there are times when the reporters are careful in searching and writing the truth, and on the other hand, there are articles which are absurd.
That’s why I only read weekly magazines as a personal amusement.

The content of the article in the magazine is “Yunho cannot get out of the entertainment company because his father is in debt with them.”

This time, Yunho’s father was asking for my cooperation, so I will show the related parts of the message itself to all of you in order to convey the truth.

TO: Mr. Kigoshi,

Almost a month has passed since the year 2010 began.
Are you in good health?
There are a lot of disasters that have happened in many places around the world, and I am really sorry and it pains my heart.

A Japanese fan contacted and informed me that there was a certain article in Japan’s “Women’s **,” and it seems that the contents are offensive and dismal. I think it is necessary to actually confirm whether or not there was such an article.

I heard that they reported in their article, “The reason why Yunho cannot get out of the company is because his father is still in debt with them.”

I received the notice that there was a very offensive and groundless article.
Did the staff members of the company make such comments?

If above is true, that should be libelous or slanderous, so I request Mr. Kigoshi to confirm this matter.
If there should be people who believe in the article, please convey to them the truth.

As I have explained to you Mr. Kigoshi when you came to Gwangju to collect data, I have worked for companies only for more than twenty years.
Previously, I worked for a finance company, and now I am an executive. I am an employee who is paid a salary.
The nursing school is owned by the company, and I am also the principal there.
Since I am the principal, some tend to think that I own it, but I do not; I only manage the place.

Six years have passed since Yunho started his activities as part of Tohoshinki, and nothing has changed for me and my family.
Yunho’s mother (my wife) and I are steadily commuting to our jobs. We have purchased the house which, we are living in now, fourteen years ago; we have bought our car seven years ago, and we are still using it.
I, Yunho, and my family have never gone into business, trade, or any side businesses which need great funds. We have not purchased real estate or expensive belongings, so we do not need large sums of money.

For Yunho, during these six years, we have paid the tax and various expenses from his earnings, used some for the needy and for volunteer work, and have saved all the rest. (Yunho has not bought a house, a car, and didn’t set aside money for any side business.)

Yunho and I have some money which we have saved, so I want to question their responsibility with this regard. “Why am I in need of money enough to borrow from the company?” “What is the purpose of spreading such groundless rumors?” That’s why I am seeking for Mr. Kigoshi’s cooperation.

This is just a quick note to let you know. Please always maintain your health.

Since it was a request from Yunho’s father, I am posting most of the contents here.
(I have omitted the part of Yunho’s schedule.)

As you know, Yunho’s father does not appear on media, and is observing the developments calmly. But for this time, there was a message from him since “there was a report which is not true.” Since he sent me the message believing in me, I would like to convey the truth.

Looking at the detailed message, I assume that he really wanted to convey the truth and to inform as many people as possible of it, so I would like to pass them to everybody.

There are many articles and topics 'expanding' on Tohoshinki's problem; the dangerous thing is, the topics that are spoken of are based on guesses made in private, and they aren't supposed to be made public.

I think that not many should believe that weekly magazine, but since there is this detailed email from Yunho’s father, I wanted everyone to understand the truth.

Also, since Yunho’s father has requested cooperation, I would inform him the fact that there is such an article.

Everybody should be anxious about:
“What will become of Tohoshinki in the future? We want them to stay just as they are.”

We should not be carried away. We should only watch the truth, and wait for them, paying little attention to the guesses and speculation



2010-01-29 13:55:27

The importance of determining the truth

Thank you everyone for spreading my recent article; it gave me encouragement.
All of your powers are like the Spirit Bomb (*Genkidama) of Dragon Ball.
(T/N: “Dragon Ball” is a famous Japanese comic book. “Genkidama” is the “Spirit Bomb” which receives and also sends out positive and energetic powers from/to everyone.)

This is it.
(T/N: Kigoshi indicating the picture of “Genkidama” from “Dragon Ball.”)

Those of you, my mother’s generation, do you know the spirit bomb?
If you have a son, you should know?

I have sent out my message to Yunho’s father as follows.
Of course, I have conveyed all of your messages.

Almost a month has passed since the year 2010 began.
I became to be of the age to think, “Why does the time go by in such a fast speed?”

Kigoshi’s letter to Yunho’s father:


Dear Father (T/N: Yunho’s father), how are you?
I’ve also seen the article.
I will transfer the contents.

Magazine “Shukan Josei” (T/N: “Weekly Woman”), pages 42-43.
“Previously, Yunho’s father was in debt with the entertainment company SM. The debt seems to be cleared already, but Yunho is promised to participate in the company’s management position, related to the situation. That is the reason why Yunho cannot get out of the company.”

The article is written like that.
To make it understandable, “Yunho’s father was in debt with the company before. All of the debts are now cleared, but Yunho is promised to work in the management position of the company in the future, so he could not get away from the company.”
(T/N: The contents of the two paragraphs are so identical. I cannot see any differences. Probably, Kigoshi wanted to repeat his wordings twice to make sure he is writing them without any mistakes.)

Father, I believe in your words which you have told me before, so I ignore all these absurd reports, but if I was to be in your position, the article would have made me feel terrible.
I do not like these groundless rumors, so I do my best to make direct interviews as much as possible before writing the articles.

There should be no fan who will believe the article, but I have also written in my blog that the article is absurd, and that the fans should not believe the contents.
Many fans will read my words, and believe in Father’s words.

I will do the best that I can.
And for this article, I will take pictures and send them to you.
Please tell me if you need the magazine, I can send it to you.

Please do not worry. All the Japanese fans are always with Father and Yunho.
If you have any other concerns, or if you want to seek my help, please feel free to contact me!


Kigoshi’s note:

I will be happy if Yunho’s father reads my message and feels relieved.

As you know, the publishing industry is now on fire, too.
They scurry about to catch information, and to make an article. I do not think that is all wrong, but sometimes, the information is completely different from the facts, and they are writing rumors as if they are the truth. I want them to know that the person concerned gets really hurt.

As I have previously written, it is dangerous to judge by guesses and speculation.

(few sentences omitted)

Let’s ignore these groundless rumors.

If I receive a message from Yunho’s father, I will convey them to all of you.
And please lend me your hand during necessary times.
Not for me, but for Yunho’s father.

Source: Yu Kigoshi's Blog here and here
Translation: smiley @
Special thanks: junsulv and diana© @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Lyrics of Yoochun's fave song at the moment

Fukuyama Masaharu - Saiai

Track can be heard here.

yume no you na hito dakara
yume no you ni kieru no desu

sono sadame wo shiri nagara
hikurarete kita kisetsu no peeji

ochite wa tokeru konayuki mitai
tomaranai omoi

aisanakute ii kara
tooku de mimamottete
tsuyogatterun dayo
demo tsunagatte tain dayo
anata ga mada suki dakara

motto nakeba yokatta
motto waraeba yokatta
baka danatte itte yo
ki ni suru natte itte yo
anata ni tada aitakute

hajimete deshita
kore made no hibi
machigatte nai to omoeta koto

hidamari mitai na
sono egao
ikiru michi wo terashite kuremashita

kokoro no ame ni kasa wo kureta no wa
anata hitori datta...

aisenakute ii kara
koko kara mimamotteru
tsuyogatterun dayo
demo tsunagatte tain dayo
anata ga mada suki dakara

onaji tsuki no shita de
onaji namida nagashita
dame nan dayotte
hanaretaku naitte
tada hito koto tada ienakute

itsuka inochi no tabi
owaru sono toki mo
inoru deshou

anata ga akogareta
"anata" de aru koto wo
sono egao wo shiawase wo

aisanakute ii kara
tooku de mimamottete
tsuyogatterun dayo
demo tsunagatte tain dayo
anata ga mada suki dakara

motto nakeba yokatta
motto waraeba yokatta no kana
baka danatte itte yo
ki ni suru natte itte yo
anata ni tada aitakute

anata ni tada aitakute

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

[MAG] VALENTINE SPECIAL – The Very Best Of Tohoshinki!

VALENTINE SPECIAL – The Very Best Of Tohoshinki!
Telling you everything you want to know~ Tohoshinki’s 100 Q&A

Q. Can you tell us what you think about your first BEST ALBUM, which will be released on 17 February?

Yunho: This best album includes many good songs from our debut days until now… it contains a countless number of our memories. Through this album, you can feel every small bit of growth that Tohoshinki made! It is literally the essence of Tohoshinki.

Changmin: The past 5 years of our activities in Japan are all recorded in this album. The members trying their very best, and the fans giving their support… Everytime I listen to these songs, a lot of memories come to mind. This is a compilation of best works that we are most confident of.

Jejung: I can confidently say that this is our best album! Up until now, we’ve been working in Japan for 5 years, and in between, it’s a fact that Tohoshinki has grown, and this growth is all thanks to the support of our fans. Everyone, thank you so much.

Yuchun: Through this album, we can re-live all the past activities that we did, so it’s an album that is very important to us. Our hearts are filled with all these precious memories and emotions. These 5 years passed by in a flash, yet it was also fulfilling. I hope that our fans can listen to this album.

Junsu: This is Tohoshinki’s first best album. It is a “5 years of memories” compilation of Tohoshinki’s lives in Japan. I hope that the people who listen to this album will feel Tohoshinki’s growth, as well as the message that we are trying to send to everyone.


Q. Do you have any Valentine’s Day memories?
I guess… I started receiving chocolates ever since high school. (laugh)

Q. If you want to go on a date in Japan, where would you go?
It would be most comfortable to go to a hot spring.

Q. If you want to confess to a girl you like, do you think telling her through a phone call or text message would be better?
I will confess when I meet her.

Q. Did you buy anything recently?
I bought a small bag that I carry around daily.

Q. What is something that will make you feel troubled if you don’t have it?

Q. How many text messages do you send daily?
About 10 I guess.

Q. Japanese cuisine that you like and dislike?
I like Yakisoba (T/N: fried noodles). I dislike Kusaya (T/N: salted dried fish/fermented fish), which I ate during a “Punishment Game” on a TV programme.

Q. Something you will definitely do as you go about your day?
Relax leisurely.

Q. The best way to relax, to relieve stress is?
Spend 3~5 hours watching funny programmes that I recorded, and laugh without thinking about anything.

Q. A movie you like?
I like “Love Story”.

Q. Do you drink alcohol? If you do, how much can you drink? (T/N: His level of alcohol tolerance.)
I love sake! (T/N: Japanese rice wine) I can drink really well~

Q. Something that surprised you recently?
Before this when I came to Japan, I was told that it was the coldest day of the year that day, but I thought to myself that it was actually quite warm. It’s because it is really cold in Korea.

Q. What do you think accounts for the “loveable” factor of Japanese females? Also, the “loveable” factor for Korean females?
Japanese girls have high-pitched voices that are a little nasally, so it feels very cute. They give off thise cute image. Korean girls have beautiful skin.

Q. What’s a good thing about Japanese fans?
They come to concerts as a whole family. We’re really happy when we see that.

Q. A song you must sing when you go to the Karaoke?
It’s embrassing to sing Tohoshinki’s songs, so I don’t sing those. I usually sing Korean artist Shin Seung Hun’s songs.

Q. Is there something that is precious to you?
My diary that I write in everyday before I go to sleep. I started keeping it 3 years ago.

Q. A Japanese word that you remember recently?
「バツイチ」 (T/N: “Batsuichi”: Someone who has been divorced once) Because I acted as someone like that in a drama…(laugh)

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
If I’m a girl, I’d definitely read JJ regularly.

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
For fashion, I like mini-skirts. For hairstyle, I like long hair that gives of a neat and classy image.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers!
Last year, there was the spread of influenza so it was terrible. This year, take care of yourself and let’s support the World Cup!


Q. Do you have any Valentine’s Day memories?
Last year, my brother’s girlfriend gave me one tiny piece of chocolate.
It was painful, but I was happy. (laugh)

Q. Is there any gesture that females make that you think is “loveable”? The gesture that attracts you?
I like to see them washing up or without make up, which is rare. I don’t really like it if they use vulgarities.

Q. What is the thing that makes you go 「キュン♥」 when girls talk to you? (T/N: makes your heart race)
When they compliment me on a song that I created.

Q. Food that you want the person you like to make for you?
Home-cooked food, things like miso soup with tofu…

Q. Where did you go for your first date?
The road that is the return route from school to my girlfriend’s house.

Q. When your in love, are you the devoted type (T/N: sticky) or indifferent type?
Whether it’s contacting or meeting up, I’m the devoted type.

Q. Do you change your attitude in front of girls?
In front of my girlfriend, I do, because I want to show my true self.

Q. Your dreams when you were a child?
A basketball player or car racer.

Q. A part of your own body that you like?
I love my wide forehead. You can even play soccer on this forehead! (Editor’s note: For heading)
(T/N: Yuchun meant that his forehead is big enough for you to play soccer on it, but the Editor misinterpreted it.)

Q. Something you absolutely have to do or somewhere you must go when you come to Japan?
Ramen shop.

Q. The good things about Japan, America and Korea?
For Japan,the food is delicious no matter what it is!
America is a country with a lot of freedom.
Korea is where I live together with my family.

Q. You performed Taekwondo (T/N: Korean martial art) in front of the Korean President before, what was it that got you started?
I started learning it when I joined the Scouts in Third Grade.

Q. What’s the latest fashion you’ve gotten into?
Ugg boots style!

Q. What kind of accessory do you always wear?
A silver present that I received from my younger brother. It’s my amulet.

Q. Right now, is there anything that you are collecting?
Plates. Although I can’t cook, it makes me feel good when I see pretty plates. I buy the plates and give them to my mother as a present.

Q. What is a Japanese word that you remember recently?
「ご机嫌うるわしゅう」 (T/N: A very proper way of greeting someone)

Q. A song you must sing in the Karaoke?
Masaharu Fukuyama’s 「最愛 」 (T/N: “Saiai”: Beloved)

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
The photography seems to be really difficult.

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
I like the simple and natural pants style. For hairstyle, I think it’s better if it the style suits the person, but basically, as long as it’s not too complicated.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers!
Valentine’s Day is already coming soon?? (laugh) 「ご机嫌うるわしゅう」


Q. Any memories of Valentine’s Day?
In high school, a girl who was 5 years older confessed to me with hand-made chocolate and a letter. Because it’s the first time I received a confession from an older girl and I was still a kid, I politely rejected her.

Q. What kind of female fashion or clothes that allow them to exude their charms make you go “She’s irresistable wearing that!”?
White style. I like the intellectual and elegant style.

Q. When a girl removes her make up and you think – this is someone else! Have you experienced that?
Even if she shows me her natural face, it’s fine. I like it best when they show their natural faces. But I also like the various looks girls create when they wear make up.

Q. What fetish do you have when it comes to girls?
Eyes. When I talk to anyone, I will always look at that person’s eyes. I’m not sure what makes me go “Her eyes are pretty”, but I’ll feel it when her eyes are conveying pretty feelings.

Q. What do you think of aggressive women?
Because I like wild girls, I think it’s good if they are aggressive.
Although I’m the type that leads, when it’s just the 2 of us, I want my girlfriend to lead me!

Q. Songs that you want girls to sing at the Karaoke?
Hideaki Tokunaga’s “Rainy Blue” and James Ingram’s “Just Once”.

Q. The first thing you do when you reach home?
I’ll take a Japanese bath, and recently I’ve also been listening to music or reading a book for about 50 minutes while I’m at it.

Q. What kind of sleeping style do you have?
Dark blue or pink jersey. If it’s pink, I’ll definitely wear spectacles.

Q. Something you like and dislike about your own personality?
I like that I’m forward-looking and dislike that I’m so forgetful. I keep losing my things and it makes me even more forgetful.

Q. When you where a kid, what kind of child were you?
I was very active and adventurous! There was once I went hiking with my friends and we forgot the road back so everyone ended up crying.

Q. If you have to describe yourself as an animal?
According to my friends, I’m a passionate leopard.

Q. If you could only bring one thing to an uninhabited island, what would you bring?
I’ll bring a knife to keep a diary on the trees or walls.

Q. In 2009, you had your first drama in Korea. How was it?
It was a really good time. I got to do something that was different from usual. There were similarities between the character I portrayed and myself, so I felt that doing the drama also allowed me to grow.

Q. You seem to be fascinated with 4-letter idioms. 4-letter idioms that you like?
前代未聞 (T/N: Unprecedented) 自画自賛 (T/N: Singing one’s own praises) 一石二鳥 (T/N: Killing two birds with one stone)

Q. The most effective way to remember words from a foreign language?
Watch dramas, and talk a lot with the staff who are familiar with those terms.

Q. Is there someone you respect a lot?
My father. I think he looks really cool when I see him doing his best in his life. My father always tells me, “Don’t ever forget that you’re standing here today because of the supportive staff around you and the fans who cheer you on.” I always keep my father’s words in my heart.

Q. If you didn’t enter the entertainment industy, what do you think you’d be?
My childhood dream, probably a prosecutor.

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
I’d be happy if we had this kind of men’s magazine! For people of our generation, we like to use fashion to portray our characters and personalities, so if we had this kind of magazine, I’d definitely study it!

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
I think the knitted one-piece (T/N: dress) is cute. I like straight, long hair.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers!
A new year has begun. Forget all the regretful things and bad memories that happened last year, and let’s make new and exciting memories. Also, it’s going to be Valentine’s Day soon, please have a good time with the person that you really like.


Q. Any memories of Valentine’s Day?
When I was in Third Grade, I received an amazing number of chocolates! Because I was so surprised, I remember that I received 47 chocolates.

Q. For Valentine’s, would you rather receive hand-made chocolates or store-bought chocolates?
If they were hand-made, I’d be really touched!

Q. If a girl confessed to you on Valentine’s, what could she say that would make you really happy?
If she told me straight “Can I be your girlfriend?”

Q. Are you the type that will give girls surprise presents?
I’ll do it! For the sake of my girlfriend only, I’ll give her a song as a present.

Q. If you have any dating course, please tell us.
Chatting while drinking coffee at a place where we can see the sea or river, with only the 2 of us there. Because I want the time to spend the time leisurely with the person I like…

Q. If we’re talking about Junsu, it’s definitely oyaji gags. Please tell us any recent oyaji gag that you like.
Actually… recently, I’ve sealed all the oyaji gags. (laugh)

Q. When you wake up in the morning, what’s the first thing you do?
Drink water!

Q. The first CD you ever bought?
When I was in elementary school, I bought H.O.T’s CD, a traditional group from Korea. (T/N: I have no idea why he said traditional either ==;; )

Q. The song you must sing at the Karaoke?
Whitney Houston’s “Greatest Love Of All”.

Q. Sports you like?
Baseball and soccer. Even now, I still play baseball, so I’m teaching Yuchun. I wish Yuchun would work harder to learn! (laugh)

Q. A dish you would recommend from Korean cuisine?
My favourite Gamjatang. (T/N: Spicy pork bone soup)

Q. Is there something that is precious to you?
Passport. Because we keep flying to and fro between Korea and Japan, it would be really troublesome if I lost it.

Q. The Japanese word that you use the most?
「まあまあ」 (T/N: “maamaa” = so-so)

Q. If tomorrow is the end of the world, what would you do? Also, what would you eat?
I want to keep singing. The last thing I want to eat (Editor’s note: without any hesitation) “Hitsumabushi” (T/N: Grilled eel on rice)

Q. Your motto?
Keep going forward.

Q. Please tell us what you thought when you first came to Japan.
I felt that there was a strong sense of fashion and character.

Q. What’s your favourite place in Japan? Also, what kind of place do you like?
Odaiba. Although it’s a city center, you can see the sea and the beach. I like places with natural scenery best.

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
It’s full of cute girls~ (laugh)

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
For fashion, I like coordinated outfits that consist of beige, off-white and other soft colors. For hair, I like the lady-like, light and airy style.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers!
Please spend Valentine’s Day with a guy you like. If you don’t have one… Can’t it be me!? (laugh)


Q. Any memories of Valentine’s Day?
When I was in Elementary School I received many things from girls, but after that, it seemed like I never received anything from anyone aside from fans!

Q. A birthday present you received that made you really happy?
Keyboard. Even now, I use that keyboard when I’m composing songs.

Q. Do you believe in love at first sight?
I do! But I won’t make the first move.

Q. Do you have any wish to get married?
Yes. I wish to get married before I’m 28~

Q. Do you like to woo the person you like, or be wooed by the person you like?
If I’m the one who liked her first, I would also want her to love me back.

Q. I heard that compared to looking at a girl’s face, you look at her hands first. Do you also look at her nails? What kind of nails do you like?
I don’t like nails that are too complicated. I like fingers that are slender and long.

Q. What would you do if the girl you like is feeling down?
Usually I don’t like to have long phone conversations or send long text messages, but if she was feeling down, I’d do my best to do it.

Q. The biggest failure recently?
Before we came to Japan this time, I wanted to compose a song, but I started drinking halfway through… In the end, I got dead drunk and didn’t complete the song… and just came to Japan like that.

Q. The number one thing that made you really happy?
It was when I went drinking like I mentioned in Q88 (T/N: the question above), 10 of us male friends got together. As we usually spend the end of the year in Japan, I was really happy to be able to attend a bōnenkai in Korea.
(T/N: “bōnenkai” = a drinking party held amongst colleagues or friends at the end of the year, and it’s meant to forget the troubles of the past year)

Q. I heard that you’re good at cooking, what is your specialty?
As long as it’s Korean cuisine, I can do all of it!

Q. Please tell us the artist and song that you’ve taken to recently.
m-flo’s “Yours only/Lies”.

Q. What is the thing that makes you happy when you do it?
When I have a week’s holiday and I spend all of it at home. I’ll sit on the sofa and watch TV and movies, drink alcohol… When I’m doing nothing and I can completely relax, that makes me happy.

Q. If you had to describe yourself in one sentence?
Yes~ I can use any example? The falling “rain”, which can be weak yet strong.

Q. A recommended spot in Korea for tourists?
Korea’s famous river, the Han River.

Q. If your schedule for tomorrow is suddenly cancelled, what would you do?
Because I always have to consider our schedule and it limits our time spent eating, so if that happened, I would go and eat without any worries.

Q. If you had to pick something as your “treasure”?

Q. What do you think accounts for the “loveable” factor of Japanese females? Also, the “loveable” factor for Korean females?
I think Japanese girls are cute with their curly curls. On the other hand, Korean girls have really lustrous black hair, and I think it’s pretty.

Q. Please tell us what you think after seeing JJ.
Unfortunately, I bought it! (laugh) I’ve been studying the use of colours for my own fashion.

Q. In JJ, what kind of female fashion and hairstyle do you like?
Pants or skirts are okay, but I like the lady-like, casual style. For hairstyle, I like those that give them lady-like silhouettes.

Q. Lastly, a word to JJ readers
This is Jejung. I am also JJ! Please give me chocolates! [キット: no problem my dear!!!]

Pictures source: [tagged + baidutvxq]
Translation credits:
Shared by:
Do not remove/add on any credits

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

[News]100126 THSK - The Most Anticipated Artist of 2010

Tohoshinki, whose members are currently in the midst of a lawsuit with their agency, have been selected as the 'Most Anticipated Artist' of 2010 in Japan.

Even though they are struggling with the lawsuit, their popularity and status in the music industry has remained unchanged and will continue to grow in 2010.

On 22nd of January, both 'Break Out!' and 'Best Album' have enter the 'Most Anticipated' list on Oricon and their upcoming single pre-sales figure has also taken the 1st spot on the 'Pre-sales chart'.

Source: Innolife + TVXQ-Yard
Translation: sshutingg @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

~~haha..dong bang shin ki's popularity is not affected by their lawsuit, poor SME..their loosing a lot of money..XD

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

[VIDEO] JUMP!! TVXQ!!! Music Video

Let's forget all the trouble and remember why we fell in love in the first place!
Just JUMP!

Cool MV, huh?
The song is "Jump" by Simple Plan, btw

Credit: M.수은중독 @ TCB World
Shared by DBSKnights


EVERYTIME i see Jaejoong running around like THAT in the Paris video...
i can't help but laugh out loud...
even if i'm in the worst of moods...
his antics can perk me up instantaneously...
he's REALLY got some hilarious antics up his sleeves...
that's why i love him SO much...

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lyrics for Jaejoong's fave songs at the moment

m-flo - Yours Only

Romaji & English translation by: cori
Thanks to Ryu for the help. ^^
Track can be heard here.

Yarikirenai hi ni mo anata wa soba ni ite
Yawarakai kuuki de tsutsunde kureta
Sonna yasashii anata ga
Totsuzen sugiru hodo subete wo nokosu you ni
Kono yo wo satta
Even on the unbearable days, you were by my side
You wrapped me up with a tender atmosphere
Your gentle self has passed away so suddenly that it's like everything remains
but you left this world.

Kokochiyokute hoka ni wa nai shiawase to
Wakariaeru utsukushisa wo oshiete kureta anata ni
You taught me comfortable, incomparable happiness &
the beauty of being able to understand each other

* I will dedicate this love to you
Anata wa kono kokoro no naka de eien ni ikitsuzukeru
Mugen ni tsuzuku toki no naka de itsumademo ai shite iru kara
I'll never say good-bye
I will dedicate this love to you
You will continue to live on in my heart eternally
I will be loving you forever within the time that continues endlessly
I'll never say good-bye

"Kazaranakutemo ii arinomama no kimi wo
Ai shita n dakara" to hanashiteta yo ne
Sono kotoba tayori ni donna tsurai koto mo
Jishin wo motte norikoerareru...
"It's ok if you don't dress up,
I love you just the way you are," you said
I have confidence that those words I depended on
can get me through even the trying things

Sarigenakute totemo shizen na katachi de
Shinjiaeru subarashisa wo oshiete kureta anata ni
With a casual & very spontaneous form
you taught me the wonderfulness of being able to believe in each other

** I will dedicate this life to you
Watashi wa anata no yume wo mune ni daite ikite yuku
Mugen ni tsuzuku toki no naka de itsuka meguriau sono hi made
I'll never say good-bye
I will dedicate this love to you
I will hold your dream in my heart and live on
until the day we meet someday, within the time that continues endlessly
I'll never say good-bye

Tatoe umarekawattemo
Nani mo kawaranai soshite kagirinaku anata wo ai suru
Even if you are reborn,
nothing will change & I will love you endlessly

* repeat

** repeat


m-flo - Lies

Romaji by: cori
From the single, Yours only,/Lies
Track can be heard here.

denwa goshi kara kikoete kuru
narenareshiku kimi o yobu goe
fudan shinai katai kuchou de
soko ni iru hito ni watashi ga barenai you ni...

You lying baby hontou ni choushi ii yo ne
You can't keep yourself from meutsuri shite bakari ite...

* You break my heart, mou nando mo
kimi no jiko-chuu na STYLE ni furimawasareteru dake
demo ai sazu ni irarenai
kakko warui to iwaretemo kimi wo shinjite itai...

imagoro kitto, watashi ga ageta
the gold yubiwa o, shikkari kakushite
itsumo make sweet love suru BEDDO no
ue de hoka no ko wo nugashite iru n' deshou...!?

my lying baby hontou ni baka na otoko da ne
so tell me why can't you motto umaku yarenai no...

** You break my heart, uso darake no
iiwake suru toko, madamada kodomo nan da ne, baby
dakara kirai ni narenai
kakkou warui no wakattetemo, kimi wo ai shitsudzuketai...

mochizu motarezu, no hazu ga tsukiaihajimeta ageku
sono, nagesuteru you na koudou, shook me off balance
jiko-chuu, jibun no mousou,
kara me ga samezu, shidai ni kanetsu come on, now let's
act like adults, kako kamawazu
maemuki na mind state, dame moto de new routes
sagasanee to, hamaru meisou, forget the labels
shuui kara no teikou, ni nagasareteku no ga keikou
sabishii nara won't you say so
goku heibon na jinsei demo monku nee zo
that's my word, uwasabanashi wa temijika ni
mou itta daro, I ki ni shinai
periphery's oshaberi,
sou komame ni ki ni shite'cha kirikanee zo
maji ni, it's like the game of jeopardy, susamajii
you consistantly, ni sasai, na koto de oosawagi

Am I a fool for loving you?

*, ** repeat


"Yours only" is a soulful R&B ballad...
the front music of the song reminds me of an english song... but i can't recall the name of it now...
but it's REALLY SEXY...
PERFECT for listening at night...
and let your mind relax & wander off...

while "Lies" is a more upbeat R&B track...

both are very soothing and infectious tracks...
no wonder Jaejoong's hooked on them...
both tracks are in the "Yours Only/Lies" single...
knowing his character...
i'm guessing BEFORE collaborating with m-flo he went and got himself some of their singles/albums... as references...

キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts

재중, 생일축하 합니다!!!! ^_^

Note (seated from left to right): Jaejoong's appa, omma & nuna...

Jaejoong asked his sister and mother to reply to the fans...

“Please wait for me and stand for me just like before
Everything will be better, so please wait for me
Thanks everyone for your trust (or faith?…)
Please continue to wait for me and stand by me”

Source: Shadow_1020 + baidu
Shared by: +

~~yes..we will continue to wait for you..and to dong bang shin ki..^_^


[INFO] 100125 JaeJoong's One of the Top 10 Search Entries on NAVER

On 24th of January, JaeJoong occupied a spot on the top 10 searches on Naver.

Kim JaeJoong
Happy Birthday

26th January 1986, you were born on this earth, pure and innocent.
26th December 2003, your first stage, a fidgety fillling you.
26th January 2010, your 24th birthday, a celebration together with fans.

26th January 1986 – 26th January 2010

All these years, from a pure and innocent kid to an admirable talented singer; your hard work, to us is a line of poem written in our memories, but to you, its a treasure that will be beneficial throughout your whole life; your distress, to us is a sand in our eyes, but to you, it will be a lesson that forms a strong support that will aid you in future; your success, to us, its a happy injection to our soul, spiritually, but to you it’s like a strong wave within your heart, which is beyond beautiful.

Only believing in you, following you

No matter when and where, we will be there for you.
If you are well, it will be a sunny day, we will accompany you to the ends of the earth.

Source: Naver + BaiduTVXQ
Translation: sshutingg @
Special Thanks: ミ♥ Lovedust @
Credits: { One World. One Red Ocean. One TVXQ! }

cassiopeia loves you so much..^_^


it's my self-proclaimed "very lonely" 6-year-old ginseng baby Kim Jaejoong's 25th birthday today...
so here are my wishes for him & the guys for 2010...

재중,생일축하 합니다!!!! ^_^
happy birthday Joongie!!!
may 2010 be a blessed year for u & TVXQ...
may all 5 of u BREAK OUT of this grey slump soon & hope to see u guys back on stage ASAP!!!

Last but not least...

our national colour is RED like Cassiopiea too!!!

Shinee is coming on 29th Jan...
when's TVXQ's turn???!!!


キット (^^,)v

언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]

For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles

My music is my life
For you, for your smile...

Friendster Layouts