Hello every Singapore Cassiopeia,
We have talked to someone on DNBN.
She have told us that after the 2nd advertisement, they are thinking of doing a Billboard, it is unsure yet.
And so we're collecting funds and sending it to the Koreans as Singapore Cassiopeia.
What is DNBN?
DNBN (Dong Nae Bang Nae) is an online Korean community for TVXQ fans. They have been with the boys since they debuted, they were from Bestiz, after Bestiz closed down, they formed DNBN. DNBN is also a site where Korean Cassiopeias gather to share news and updates on the boys.
Website URL: http://dnbn.pe.kr/
Why are the Korean Cassiopeias doing advertising for the boys?
As all of you know, TVXQ is going through a lawsuit case with S.M Entertainment (Agency company), Cassiopeias feel that S.M hasn't been treating our boys right,
and want to do a shoutout to everyone in Korea and also the boys to show that
Cassiopeias are fighting along with TVXQ, standing by and supporting TVXQ
no matter what happens.
The 1st advertisement is already out by Daum:
Online Version --> http://i32.tinypic.com/20z48b4.jpg
Hardcopy Version --> http://i26.tinypic.com/314z0hz.jpg
The translation of the words on the ad:
당신들 뒤에는 항상 카시오페아가 있습니다.
You always have Cassiopeia behind of you.
(credits: doublejae@dbsg)
Why should I donate? Where would my money go to?
You don't HAVE to donate but we are putting this donation for the purpose of
hoping to see the boys being treated more fairly and on the other hand, help fans be heard as well.
This is YOUR chance to fight along with the boys.
Your money would go directly to DNBN for their future projects to support the boys.
Should DNBN state that they would no longer require the money, FULL refunds will be done.
How should I transfer the money to you?
ATM/ iBanking/ UOB transfers accepted.
1) Those with paypal accounts and would like to donate individually to DNBN, this is the paypal account to do so: dnbn@dnbn.pe.kr
2) For those who would like to do so under SG Cassiopeia that is a member of this Forum, please PM capri-shiqi or jsjing16 ,
for those who are not a member here, email singaporetvxq@gmail.com
for account details and state if you would like to transfer it to our POSB/DBS or UOB account.
Please also state so if you would like to do ibanking.
For those who wants to join us in the Singapore-TVXQ forum, check it out here
--> http://singapore-tvxq.org/index.php?showforum=17
3) After transferring the money, please do send us an email at singaporetvxq@gmail.com with the following details:
Name: (Full name please)
Mobile no.:
Email add:
Account no.: (POSB/ UOB)
Ref no.:
Amt transferred: S$
4) An acknowledgement will be sent to you once the amount transferred has been received.
5) Should DNBN state that they would no longer require the money, FULL refunds will be done.
6) Each person who donates will receive a receipt that states that we have indeed transferred the money over to DNBN.
For those who would like to be in time for the 17th August deadline by DNBN for the 2nd Advertisement, please transfer the money by:
17th August 2009, 4PM SG time.
Any donations received after 17th August will be send to DNBN on the 22nd August.
i think i wanna do my part and donate soon...
but dun have my ibanking dongle now to do it in time for the 2nd ad!!!
キット (^^,)v

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