news just out.CREBEAU's cosmetic company WISHOP PLUS(?) had sent in the lawsuit against SMent on august 4th. SM.ent using crebeau's cosmetic company name as an excuse/blame for the recent contract issue with dbsk members. CreBeau is saying that SM.ent falsely put blame on the cosmetic shop being opened by the 3 members and had damaged the company's image and also loss in profit. Since Crebeau had nothing to do with dbsk contract/sment issue they will be suing SM.ent for using their name and etc etc.
credits+trans:dksldidksldi @ soompi
source: Link
shared by:dbsknights
Seoul Central District Court officer revealed on August 26th that a representative of CREBEAU (위샵플러스) cosmetic company had filed lawsuit against SM Entertainment in charge of defamation issue on August 4th.
CREBEAU representative said, “The problem that is filed by 3 members who are also investors in our company is something to do with the unfair distribution income and to terminate the exclusive contract effect. However, SM keeps distorting the essence of the issue by saying that the main reason of their lawsuit is related to the cosmetic company. This is definitely a false representation and inflicts a serious libel to our company.”
trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Shared by: DBSKnights
source: Link
shared by:dbsknights
Seoul Central District Court officer revealed on August 26th that a representative of CREBEAU (위샵플러스) cosmetic company had filed lawsuit against SM Entertainment in charge of defamation issue on August 4th.
CREBEAU representative said, “The problem that is filed by 3 members who are also investors in our company is something to do with the unfair distribution income and to terminate the exclusive contract effect. However, SM keeps distorting the essence of the issue by saying that the main reason of their lawsuit is related to the cosmetic company. This is definitely a false representation and inflicts a serious libel to our company.”
trans: sharingyoochun@wordpress
Shared by: DBSKnights
KUDOS for standing up to the big bullies!!!
キット (^^,)v
언제나 비가와도 칠흙같이 캄캄한 어둠이 와도...
그대 곁에서 기다릴께 ...
Nothing better than that...

[Color - Melody & Harmony]
For someone’s sake
we are here,
Although we can only achieve small things,
Even just for 1 second,
We still want to stop all the tears in this world,
And turn them all into smiles
Music is my life
For you, for your smile...
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