As the title says...
My Tohoshinki/THSK/ Tong Vfang Xien Qi/TVXQ/ Dong Bang Shin Ki/DBSK/ Dong Bang Shin Gi/DBSG/ 동방신기...
This is where I keep all my fave band's stuff, or goodies as fellow Cassiopeians/ 仙后们 will call them...

Monday, January 28, 2008

The type of girls TVXQ likes

Xiah Junsu
1. Doesn't admire girls who overreact and dress very special for a certain thing
2. Understanding
3. A little girly (enough to enjoy cooking)
4. Straight hair with slightly wavy ends
5. Would rather spend time with him than her friends (if necessary)
6. Polite to her friends

Micky Yoochun
1. Pretty
2. Cute
3. Sometimes dresses like Lee Hyori
4. Extremely layered hair

Max Changmin
1. Cooks good
2. Good in English
3. Doesn't really care about something (simple girl)
4. Dresses female-gangster-style (half the time)

Hero Jaejoong
1. A girl who will always tell him she loves him
2. Has a student-type fashion
3. A little vengeful
4. Straight, short hair

U-Know Yunho
1. Tall
2. Long, straight hair (like The Ring ha ha~)
3. Fickle
4. Gives special events
5. Wild (club style)
6. Someone like Jun Ji Hyun

キット m(~_~)m

Friendster Layouts

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